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Re: Secret Service First Lady Code Names
in reply to a message by Raya
Rover? That's random even for such a seemingly random set of code-names.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Eleanor wasn’t the most attractive person. Maybe Rover is a reference to that? I wonder if she knew her code name?
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Maybe rover just meant traveler, because she did travel a lot.
The only two presidential code names I know offhand are JFK was Lancer, and Reagan was Rawhide. Lancer and Lace, Rawhide and Rainbow, so they seem to be paired in some way?
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I'm pretty sure they know their code names. I think they choose them from a list.Apparently, Eleanor was "Rover" because she was constantly roving around the White House, working and doing things.ETA: Nevermind, I just saw what you posted, below. Thanks for the info. :)

This message was edited 12/26/2020, 4:12 PM

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