Caeli, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa
"Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia" (the first line of Catullus 58)
Honestly, I love Marcus Caelius Rufus as a historical figure - he was bold, charming, and occasionally hilarious as hell, and I think Steven Saylor hit the nail on the head describing him as "quicksilver". Caelius was a brilliant enough orator to defeat Cicero in court, had an affair with Catullus' lover Clodia (as Catullus bemoans in his poetry!), and died in his thirties in an opportunistic rebellion against Caesar. So I definitely have a certain fondness for the name, and I think it has a nice sound to it, although I don't think it's particularly useable on a 21st century child.
"Do you not find it happens very often, that you are as gay as Garrick at dinner and then by supper-time you wonder why God made the world?"