Just thinking about this name, WDYT? I have a uncle with this name. Daniel sounds dignified and friendly. It's too common and plain for me but I understand why it's popular.
I really like it. It's very classic and handsome. An all around solid name that, although may be seen as overused or boring to some, will never go out of date.
Exactly my thoughts!
Boring, dated, and it also makes me think of Daniel Tiger - which I hate more than pretty much anything else.
I’ve always been fond of it. It’s a known name of course but I certainly don’t think of it as common.
I love it! Too popular for me personally, but it’s definitely popular for a reason.
Great name
Its just okay. I love the name Danny though. :)
So boring
It's handsome, but it's totally devoid of personality.
It's handsome, but it's totally devoid of personality.
It really is a very friendly name. The only downside for me is that I don't care much for Dan as a nn (Danny is okay, though). It's one of those names that I probably wouldn't actively want to use just because of the popularity, but if it was the only thing my partner and I could agree on for some reason I'd be okay with it.
It’s my step-son’s name, and that has always made me happy, because it has been my favourite boy’s name since I was about 12 so it’s what I would have wanted to name a son anyway.
I’ve never met an unpleasant Daniel.
I’ve never met an unpleasant Daniel.