Re: Under-representation of African names
in reply to a message by 123
QuoteHowever, I have tried time again to find African names, but your site seems to be lacking in them.
That sounds as if you exclusively rely on this website for learning about given names that originate from the cultures that are native to the African continent. Have you tried branching out? For example: how about paying a visit to the nearest university library in order to see if they have a scholarly book about (for example) Zulu given names? You sound a bit entitled, in the sense that you seem to expect this website to do the research for you at your "encouragement". How about doing some of your own research? You are a self-professed writer, do you not enjoy devouring books about topics that are important or otherwise of interest to you?
QuoteNow, I know you have them, but what I am protesting is how you lump them into broad categories as if Africa is a country, and not a continent like it is. E.g., Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso, etc. is grouped under "West Africa", while Ethiopia, Djibouti, Rwanda is categorized as "East Africa".
Have you heard of the term region? East Africa is a region, as is North Africa, South Africa and West Africa. It makes sense to list the countries and cultures according to region, especially if you look at how enormously vast the African continent is. I imagine that that makes it easier for the webmaster to create a sense of order and keep a good overview of the many cultures and their names. Not to mention that it also makes it a lot easier for the average person to get a general sense of where on the African continent the cultures in question live. In other words: this is more about accessibility and being practical. It has nothing to do with viewing and treating Africa as if it is a country. Using regions does not equal "country".The same approach is taken with the cultures from other continents, e.g. English and French are listed under "European" and Chinese and Thai under "Asian". But I am not hearing you about how that is treating Europe and Asia as countries instead of continents. Why are you singling out exclusively the cultures from the African continent?
QuoteI would appreciate it very much if you could be more specific about Africa's countries, and treat Africa, and its culture and names, as the unique and important topics they are.
First off, is saying "Africa and its culture and names" not dangerously close to viewing Africa as a country instead of a continent? Perhaps you should watch your own language about everything related to Africa before you accuse others of something (like viewing Africa as a country instead of a continent).Secondly, I do not agree with the insinuation that the current state of affairs on this website indicates that the cultures and given names from the African continent are not seen as unique and important. There is a certain prejudice in those words of yours, namely that the current situation indicates that the webmaster might be racist. That is pure projection on your part. Have you considered that it is quite difficult to find reliable etymological sources (let alone onomastic ones) about the many languages from Africa? The webmaster essentially has to have the luck to be approached by someone from Africa, who is willing and able to give him information about the names from their culture. This is why there is not as much information about given names from Africa's cultures as there is for cultures from other continents.You should also take into consideration that some cultures do not wish to have their names recorded and archived. For example: a while ago, members of a Native American tribe requested for their names to be removed from this website, stating that their culture's names are not intended for use by outsiders in any way whatsoever. In fact: they viewed the presence of their names here as cultural appropriation. It could be that there are cultures in Africa that hold similar views.All in all, this whole post of yours says more about you and your personal views than it does about the webmaster and his website. I also find it quite telling that you felt the need to share your "suggestion" publicly instead of sharing your concerns privately: you seem to be wanting to use an element of shame, i.e. shaming the webmaster into making changes by publicly making thinly veiled accusations at him. Well, that is not the way to go about it, obviously. I advise you to take a less accusatory and more open-minded approach next time. Otherwise, you are free to do so much research to the point that you can create your own website - a scholarly one that is exclusively dedicated to given names from the African continent. Let's see how far you get!

Forchta in biuonga quamon ouer mi, in bethecoda mi thuisternussi.
In ic quad: "uuie sal geuan mi fetheron also duuon, in ic fliugon sal in raston sal?"
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Under-representation of African names  ·  123  ·  5/19/2020, 1:52 PM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  A Masked Man  ·  5/20/2020, 9:15 AM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  Dorchadas  ·  5/20/2020, 1:26 AM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  PrincessZ  ·  5/21/2020, 12:00 PM
Yes, they were. (m)  ·  Dorchadas  ·  5/22/2020, 12:14 AM
yes ...  ·  RoxStar  ·  5/21/2020, 8:40 AM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  Theodora'sMommy  ·  5/20/2020, 7:28 AM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  Anneza  ·  5/20/2020, 1:33 PM
Re: Under-representation of African names  ·  molly  ·  5/19/2020, 7:19 PM