Looking for twin names
Just for fun!
Hi everybody!
I always wanted to have twin’s, but it doesn’t run in our family…
But hypothetically… (We are not pregnant and are not planning on having any more children)
What names would you suggest, that sound good / go with siblings Julian Dominic and Leonie Sophia?
Thank you in advance!
Hi everybody!
I always wanted to have twin’s, but it doesn’t run in our family…
But hypothetically… (We are not pregnant and are not planning on having any more children)
What names would you suggest, that sound good / go with siblings Julian Dominic and Leonie Sophia?
Thank you in advance!
Personally, I would name them...
Mabel May Ada & Margaux Una Florence
Wilbur Abner Thomas & Louis Ivan George
Mabel May Florence & Wilbur Louis Ivan
Influenced by your sibset:
Eleanor Alice & Violet Amelia
James Gabriel & Daniel Alexander
Eleanor Amelia & James Alexander
Now I have realised in your sibset, all names are three syllables...
Eleanor Annabelle & Emily Marguerite
Gabriel Jonathan & Benjamin Atticus
Eleanor Annabelle & Benjamin Atticus
Names I thought of in relation to your sibset:
Girls I went for a more traditional, Germanic? vibe.
Victoria Emma Emmeline Annabelle Alma Eleanor Emily Charlotte Henriette
Mabel May Ada & Margaux Una Florence
Wilbur Abner Thomas & Louis Ivan George
Mabel May Florence & Wilbur Louis Ivan
Influenced by your sibset:
Eleanor Alice & Violet Amelia
James Gabriel & Daniel Alexander
Eleanor Amelia & James Alexander
Now I have realised in your sibset, all names are three syllables...
Eleanor Annabelle & Emily Marguerite
Gabriel Jonathan & Benjamin Atticus
Eleanor Annabelle & Benjamin Atticus
Names I thought of in relation to your sibset:
Girls I went for a more traditional, Germanic? vibe.
Victoria Emma Emmeline Annabelle Alma Eleanor Emily Charlotte Henriette
Yvette, Sylvie, Simone Phoebe, Glenda, Rowena, Anthea, Brenda, Cecile, Cecily, Claire, Carole, Amanda, Amelia, Anabel, Audrey, Andrea, Pamela, Nicole, Helena, Angela, Helene
George, Thomas, Hamish, Fergus, Roland, Walter, Wesley, Finley, Edmund, Andrew, Victor, Callum, Edward, Elliot, Rupert, Robert, Stuart, Ashley, Henrik, Marcus. I'd go with 6 letter names like the others
George, Thomas, Hamish, Fergus, Roland, Walter, Wesley, Finley, Edmund, Andrew, Victor, Callum, Edward, Elliot, Rupert, Robert, Stuart, Ashley, Henrik, Marcus. I'd go with 6 letter names like the others