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BAs from a blog
I love reading Duana's name advice at Lainey Gossip -- it's great hearing all the thoughts that parents put into naming their kids, plus her advice is sensible and enthusiastic. She's posted a bunch of updates from letter writers recently, so I thought I'd aggregate and share. Siblings are in parentheses. Wdyt?August Lawrence
Edgar Bruce (Adelaide VanceAddie’)
George Frederick
Henry Bradley
Lando Samuel
Nolen (Elena)
Trey Cecil (Eliza, Kevin)Alida (Olin)
Avonlea Rose
Emerson Jane
Gloria (Theodore JosephTeddy’)
Matilda KathleenTilly
Saskia LoreleiPosts: favorites are Edgar Bruce and Gloria, but the story behind Nolen (and why they chose that spelling) is wonderful.
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BAs from a blog  ·  molly  ·  2/11/2020, 8:01 PM
Re: BAs from a blog  ·  Lapin  ·  2/12/2020, 10:47 AM
Re: BAs from a blog  ·  Raven Briar  ·  2/12/2020, 8:50 AM