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I don’t know why, but I have been stuck on these names lately. Do you think Dulcibella is usable in real life? I know Dulce has some popularity but would it work for a non-Spanish speaker?
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Dulcibella sounds like the name of an exceptionally pretty cow with long eyelashes. How about Dulcinea?
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Dulcibella could bring on a diabetic coma. Dulcie is almost as sickly sweet, but at least it was popular once and might, if we're lucky, stay in the past as a dated name. And Dulce (no idea how they pronounce it) is the name of a chain of coffee-and-icecream shops where I live. Nice food, I admit!
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I like all of these.i like Dulcinea too, but only as guilty pleasures. I’d never use them in real life.
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I now a few Dulcie's in there 80s, similar to Elsie and Sadie and they are usuable in non-spanish countries. its ok
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I like Dulcie, but as a nn for Dulcinea. Dulcibella is so similar, but somehow it seems like a lot more to carry around.
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