Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?
I think it's actually keh-RID-wen, rather than KER-rid-wen ? (the way you have it written, it's not clear which syllable you are emphasizing). I thought it was KER-rid-wen for a long time, and was sad to find out it was ker-RID-wen, but then it grew on me and now I prefer the second syllable stress.I just now found out Elowen may be el-LO-en and I'm disappointed about that. Not that I really liked Elowen to begin with, but I think I like it less well with second syllable stress.
I used to not know how to say Agnetha ... to me it looked like agg-NEATH-uh, but then I read it is pronounced with the GN like in lasagna and t like in Theresa so it's ahn-YET-a, roughly, and that's pretty.
Same with Ottilie - always saw "oddily," then learned to read it as oh-TEAL-yuh and hated it less.
And Wilhelmina - a long time ago I read "will HELM in uh" but now I read WIL-el-MEE-na and like it much more.
Thought Gisele started with a Gh sound like give ... I much prefer it as zh.
I liked Briony when I thought it was said "BREE-ony," and disliked since hearing it's "Brian-y".
I would sort of like Ghislaine if it were said, as I have sometimes heard, "zhil-len". But apparently it's "ghee-len"? yuck
Liked Roland if the Rol- rhymed pol- in politics, but I know it's like bowl, and don't care for that.- mirfak
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Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  JemimahGertrude  ·  10/15/2019, 1:46 PM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  noel  ·  10/17/2019, 12:33 AM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  hulamigo  ·  10/16/2019, 11:26 AM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  quintus  ·  10/19/2019, 11:02 PM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  Catricorn  ·  10/16/2019, 10:42 AM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  Xena  ·  10/16/2019, 11:19 AM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  mirfak  ·  10/16/2019, 9:23 AM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  Fiammetta  ·  10/16/2019, 4:57 PM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  Anneza  ·  10/15/2019, 11:32 PM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  ari.  ·  10/15/2019, 10:09 PM
Solveig  ·  erb816  ·  10/15/2019, 5:21 PM
Re: Solveig  ·  quintus  ·  10/19/2019, 11:06 PM
Re: Pronunciation - Help or Hindrance?  ·  Violet86  ·  10/15/2019, 5:07 PM