BAs (Growing Family) in my town:
Kaitlyn Lynn
Mersadiez Nicole
Jakhiya Danise
TaKayla Sinae
Neida Camil
The rest are more ordinary names (Alex, Justin, Peyton, Caroline, Claire, etc).
Mersadiez Nicole
Jakhiya Danise
TaKayla Sinae
Neida Camil
The rest are more ordinary names (Alex, Justin, Peyton, Caroline, Claire, etc).

Ewwww. Just.....ewwww. :b


Are you both in KY with me? :o)
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
:waves to Stacia:
Are you in the central Kentucky area, too?

Are you in the central Kentucky area, too?

: ) Yep!

Oh my... I've been to the Growing Family web site before, but usually I go to the local area hospitals' web sites and get baby names from there. Some of them are simply gag-worthy.
Mersadiez and Sinae are just killing me. They make my eyes burn.
Kaitlyn Lynn is right up there with those that names their children things like Kelly Lee and Isabel Elizabeth. :O

Mersadiez and Sinae are just killing me. They make my eyes burn.
Kaitlyn Lynn is right up there with those that names their children things like Kelly Lee and Isabel Elizabeth. :O

This message was edited 4/21/2006, 6:15 PM
I noticed that Central Baptist wasn't on there. I guess they have their own site?

Yeah, it's at and once you get onto the main page, click on the link about halfway down the page that says 'Baby Central'. There are many, MANY baby names on there. A nice mix of nice and acid-horrible names. I think UK hospital has the worst names, though. Eek!

I'm browsing now. I just saw a Brystal Rey and Bryce Oryan (twins)!

OMG, but there are some beautiful babies on there!

Some of those babies are so cute and chubby that I want to pinch their wittle-bitty cheeks. :)
As for Brystal (reminds me of bristle) Rey and Oryan, EW! Once I came across a baby with the middle name Loujohn and I was thinking to myself that 'Lou' and 'John' are names that the British and Americans use for the toilet... I bet the parents didn't think of that, LOL!
If you find any great combos, let me know. I might head on over there and check them out in a few.

Some of those babies are so cute and chubby that I want to pinch their wittle-bitty cheeks. :)
As for Brystal (reminds me of bristle) Rey and Oryan, EW! Once I came across a baby with the middle name Loujohn and I was thinking to myself that 'Lou' and 'John' are names that the British and Americans use for the toilet... I bet the parents didn't think of that, LOL!
If you find any great combos, let me know. I might head on over there and check them out in a few.

Baker Friend Lafayette
How strange! I'm going to keep looking. :)
Broox Burke G.
How strange! I'm going to keep looking. :)
Broox Burke G.

This message was edited 4/21/2006, 8:44 PM
Wow. Maybe mom or dad went to the high school...? Did you notice that his brothers are Taylor and Cooper? Who's next, Shoemaker? Butcher?
Hey, I found a Greylan (boy)!
A lot of these names would probably be considered (on this board anyway) either plain and boring or behind the times where name-fashion is concerned (Ashlyn, Madison). I havne't found one combo that I absolutely adore yet. However, there's always at least one on the site that I find myself fancying.

Hey, I found a Greylan (boy)!
A lot of these names would probably be considered (on this board anyway) either plain and boring or behind the times where name-fashion is concerned (Ashlyn, Madison). I havne't found one combo that I absolutely adore yet. However, there's always at least one on the site that I find myself fancying.

Kaitlyn is o.k., but Lynn doesn't go too well with it.
I love Kennah but not how it's spelled. Kenna is cool.
Daggett: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Euro-pee-aahn and, I am sad vounce again.
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
Daggett: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Euro-pee-aahn and, I am sad vounce again.
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?