Re: And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
in reply to a message by Billina
Andrina: Just doesn't sound right. Andrea is so much nicer.
Blythe: Unattractive sound, and reminds me of those weird dolls that you could change their eye color by pulling a string or something. They were evidently very popular in the seventies but their eyes were wonky, and now they've kind of come back in style with people taking pictures of them.
Cherry: Porntastic in a very cliched way.
Delphina: Not bad. I wouldn't use it but it's got a charm to it.
Essence: Herbal.
Garnet: Not the best of the jewel names by far.
Hester: Esther with a terrible case of COPD.
Isolde: Is old. Ice hold. I see nothing attractive here.
Jasmine: One of the nicest flower names.
Kendra: Hard sound. Hard and cold.
Laureth: I really don't like the th sound at the end of a name.
Morgana: Cartoonishly witchy.
Nori: They mention this on the menu at our local Japanese restaurant. Seaweed.
Ophelia: Oh feel ya.
Prudence: Ug lee.
Queen: I like it as a mn if the fn is Dairy. Only then.
Roxanne: It's my middle name. I think it's kinda cool, though a bit red.
Suellen: I like both Sue and especially Ellen, but Suellen is carrying it a bit too far for my taste. Also still very much associated with the show Dallas.
Theda: Ugly Just full of ugly sounds.
Ursa: Minor or Major?
Vespera: Like a Vespa, only faster?
Wallis: Hate it.
Zinnia: Not the best flower name.
Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
Blythe: Unattractive sound, and reminds me of those weird dolls that you could change their eye color by pulling a string or something. They were evidently very popular in the seventies but their eyes were wonky, and now they've kind of come back in style with people taking pictures of them.
Cherry: Porntastic in a very cliched way.
Delphina: Not bad. I wouldn't use it but it's got a charm to it.
Essence: Herbal.
Garnet: Not the best of the jewel names by far.
Hester: Esther with a terrible case of COPD.
Isolde: Is old. Ice hold. I see nothing attractive here.
Jasmine: One of the nicest flower names.
Kendra: Hard sound. Hard and cold.
Laureth: I really don't like the th sound at the end of a name.
Morgana: Cartoonishly witchy.
Nori: They mention this on the menu at our local Japanese restaurant. Seaweed.
Ophelia: Oh feel ya.
Prudence: Ug lee.
Queen: I like it as a mn if the fn is Dairy. Only then.
Roxanne: It's my middle name. I think it's kinda cool, though a bit red.
Suellen: I like both Sue and especially Ellen, but Suellen is carrying it a bit too far for my taste. Also still very much associated with the show Dallas.
Theda: Ugly Just full of ugly sounds.
Ursa: Minor or Major?
Vespera: Like a Vespa, only faster?
Wallis: Hate it.
Zinnia: Not the best flower name.
Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin