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And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
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I like Kendra and Roxanne.
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Andrina: Just doesn't sound right. Andrea is so much nicer.
Blythe: Unattractive sound, and reminds me of those weird dolls that you could change their eye color by pulling a string or something. They were evidently very popular in the seventies but their eyes were wonky, and now they've kind of come back in style with people taking pictures of them.
Cherry: Porntastic in a very cliched way.
Delphina: Not bad. I wouldn't use it but it's got a charm to it.
Essence: Herbal.
Garnet: Not the best of the jewel names by far.
Hester: Esther with a terrible case of COPD.
Isolde: Is old. Ice hold. I see nothing attractive here.
Jasmine: One of the nicest flower names.
Kendra: Hard sound. Hard and cold.
Laureth: I really don't like the th sound at the end of a name.
Morgana: Cartoonishly witchy.
Nori: They mention this on the menu at our local Japanese restaurant. Seaweed.
Ophelia: Oh feel ya.
Prudence: Ug lee.
Queen: I like it as a mn if the fn is Dairy. Only then.
Roxanne: It's my middle name. I think it's kinda cool, though a bit red.
Suellen: I like both Sue and especially Ellen, but Suellen is carrying it a bit too far for my taste. Also still very much associated with the show Dallas.
Theda: Ugly Just full of ugly sounds.
Ursa: Minor or Major?
Vespera: Like a Vespa, only faster?
Wallis: Hate it.
Zinnia: Not the best flower name.
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Andrina - as a rule I don't like Andr- names for girls because MAN.
Blythe - it's kinda nice I guess? But NMS.
Cherry - too sexual but quite lovely without the associations.
Delphina - I want to like it. I feel like it is my style. But I don't.
Essence - the sound is kind of pretty but I'm not often into random word names.
Garnet - really nasty sound. I don't like the sound of Ruby either but it's a little better.
Hester - I used to really love it, and I still feel like I should, but I kind of prefer Esther or Heather now.
Isolde - lovely.
Jasmine - I quite like it, but I think it's overused with all of the different spellings.
Kendra - the sound is really cool but it feels a bit dated.
Laureth - yeah this is lit.
Morgana - I have a friend named Tirion Morganna. On her the combination is very regal and beautiful. However, Morgana isn't my style.
Nori - for a Japanese person I guess? Yeah, fine.
Ophelia - feel like I should really like it but for some reason I've gone off it. It is nice though. I LOVE Ophelie (with the accent, can't be bothered to go and get it).
Prudence - Pru- is a bad sound and virtue names have to have a super good meaning for me to like them (Mercy, Hope).
Queen - dumb.
Roxanne - Mixed feelings. Very much "Roxanne, you don't need to turn on the red light", which is a great song but not a great association. But something in me really likes it? I think I prefer Roxana. Also, Roxie is way too loaded, so you'd have to undersell it and go with Annie.

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Andrina --- I think it's interesting and wouldn't mind hearing someone named their baby Andrina.Blythe ---- But what if she's depressed? Actually, it's okay.Cherry --- Sex jokes.Delphina --- I like it. Essence --- It has a sexual connotation for me but I don't know why. Garnet --- It's on my sacred PNL. Need I say more?Hester ---- Uuuuggglllyyy.Isolde ---- Eh, I dunno. Makes me think a little bit of Isabelle, which I hate. Not a lot, though. Enough that I'm not sure if I like it or not.Jasmine ---- Pretty, but I keep running into a lot of them.Kendra ---- I love it. Would be a good name for the daughter of a man named Kenneth.Laureth ---- Yes! Go for the chemical! I like it more than I do Laura, anyhow.Morgana --- Why does Morgana make me think of horses? Is Morgan a breed of horse? (Looked it up, and yeah, it is.) Nori ---- Rather cute.Ophelia --- It's the type of name I usually like, but yeah, I'm one of those "I feel ya" people. Sorry. Meaning I truly am sorry to be that dumb but I can't help it.Prudence ---- I feel that I should step outside my little box and start liking this, but I can't. That box is nailed tight.Queen ---- Hell naw. I'm a MURICANRoxanne ---- I like it and would much rather see it than just Roxie.Suellen ---- Ehhhhh. Sort of like it but then there's the "Dallas" association, even though it wasn't spelled the same.

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Andrina- why does it make me think of the word adrenal. Dunno. Too many Ns in it though.
Blythe - doggie / tryhard and not fun to say. But I do think it seems cool on paper.
Cherry - a GP for me, I like the sound and the association with cherry blossom. But it's now too hollywoody and sensualized to use. It's like Plum that way, or Apple - I hate those.
Delphina - I like it okay with an f, Delfina. I met a child named Delphine once and it seemed very stuckup.
Essence - makes me think of odors. I don't think the word is namey - it's nonsensey, like Ever, or else it's pretentious like Paradox or Theory. Essence of what? Nasty things have essences too.
Garnet - it's alright. the gar part sounds old and fusty, like Ethel and Garfield. Could be cute tho.
Hester - fantastically ugly. This is the name I give to those tangles of hair pulled out of a hairbrush. They're hesters at my house. I smirk with glee thinking that if my kids ever meet a girl named Hester, they will be unable to like her name because it means something icky. So, I will never get a granddaughter named Hester. Mischief, managed!
Isolde - sounds ugly too. Is older. He sold her.
Jasmine - I like it. I like all the vibes it has, even the ones that put many people off it. I just like it.
Kendra - I like this too.
Laureth - too bad about the soap. It could grow on me.
Morgana - characterish, too heavy for a child IMO, but I like it.
Nori - eh, I just don't like NO-names. It's nice if not for that.

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This message was edited 5/25/2019, 2:42 PM

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Hi Billina !!!!Andrina 4/10 I dislike it. I much prefer Amdressa, Andrée or Andreea.Blythe 1/10 I like it on a boy.Cherry* 8/10 I like nature names. This is simple and lively. Delphina 4/10 I prefer Delphine.Essence 1/10 it reminds me a brend.Garnet 7/10 nice, but quite odd.Hester 4/10 I prefer Ester.Isolde* 8/10 I like it a lot. Strong and elegant.Jasmine* 8/10 nice. I prefer Yasmin.Kendra 7/10 great sound but.. quite strange.Laureth 3/10 dislike the spelling.Morgana* 10/10 I love this name! Nori 4/10 uhm.. I prefer other names.Ophelia 4/10 I prefer Ofelia and Ophélie.Prudence 6/10 old-fave but not my style.Queen 1/10 a title. Queenie is better.Roxanne* 9/10 as it is the French form of my name it could be a middle name for a future daughter.Suellen 1/10 horrible.Theda 4/10 Dora is better.Ursa 4/10 Orsola is better.Vespera* 8/10 I like this name a lot. So romantic!Wallis 2/10 too surnamey.Zinnia 4/10 Azalée is better.
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I adore Hester and Isolde. The others I like are Blythe, Delphina, Nori, Ophelia, Prudence, Theda, Ursa, and Zinnia.
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Andrina: I already don't like Andrea, but this is worse. Trying too hard to fem it up.
Blythe: It's fine, but you're obligated to dress her only in Hanna Andersson.
Cherry: Ex-stripper who works at a diner and smokes two packs a day. Hairspray optional.
Delphina: Pretentious. Delphine is better.
Essence: I'm not a fan of the Random Dictionary Word style of name.
Garnet: A rock, or a male basketball player. Pass.
Hester: Nathaniel Hawthorne ruined it. I know it was like 150 years ago but you still can't use it.
Isolde: Pretentious. Also, it will never be pronounced the way you want it.
Jasmine: Trashy.
Kendra: Dated and soap opera-y.
Laureth: Lispy. Lauren is fine.
Morgana: Like Andrina. Morgan is good by itself.
Nori: All I can think about is sushi.
Ophelia: Like Blythe. Also, I hope you're not using it because you think she was a strong female character.
Prudence: Ugly and frumpy, in sound and meaning.
Queen: Trashy.
Suellen: A character from Arthur. Hickish and dated.
Theda: Trying too hard.
Ursa: I'm opposed to random animal names even when they're in Latin.
Vespera: Joining her sisters Evensongia and Complinia, hunh?
Wallis: A man's name.
Zinnia: You really wanted to use Violet but you could never use anything in the top 100. You buy second hand Hanna Andersson.
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Andrina: I'm not fond of it, or any other feminine form of Andrew.
Blythe: one of my favourite surname names! It has a lovely meaning and is neither too common nor too strange.
Cherry: okay as a nickname, disastrous as a given name.
Delphina: while it's pretty, it's far too close to "dolphin" for me.
Essence: sounds like the name of a brand, Essence cosmetics or Essence spices.
Garnet: it's okay, though I can't say it's one of my favourite jewel names.
Hester: an unearthed jewel. I love both Hester and Esther.
Isolde: the pronunciation is confusing - is it "iz-old" or "is-old" or "iz-old-ə" or "is-old-ə"? I prefer the name of her lover, Tristan (though I hate it on a girl).
Jasmine: it's kind of boring, and makes me think of the Disney princess, an association that's cute until the girl's seventh birthday.
Kendra: it's interesting, I can see a Kendra living on the Scottish Moors and talking to fairies, though I wouldn't use it on a real person.
Laureth: looks like a misspelling of Laurel (which I adore) or Lauren (which is rather boring).
Morgana: cool, but for some reason, it sounds like a villain's name to me.
Nori: a bit too simple for my taste.
Ophelia: lovely, but considering her tragic fate, it might be a heavy name for a child (I'd still encourage parents to use it)
Prudence: I actually prefer it to most virtue names, however I'd rather used it on a cat that on a person.

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