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Re: And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
Andrina - as a rule I don't like Andr- names for girls because MAN.
Blythe - it's kinda nice I guess? But NMS.
Cherry - too sexual but quite lovely without the associations.
Delphina - I want to like it. I feel like it is my style. But I don't.
Essence - the sound is kind of pretty but I'm not often into random word names.
Garnet - really nasty sound. I don't like the sound of Ruby either but it's a little better.
Hester - I used to really love it, and I still feel like I should, but I kind of prefer Esther or Heather now.
Isolde - lovely.
Jasmine - I quite like it, but I think it's overused with all of the different spellings.
Kendra - the sound is really cool but it feels a bit dated.
Laureth - yeah this is lit.
Morgana - I have a friend named Tirion Morganna. On her the combination is very regal and beautiful. However, Morgana isn't my style.
Nori - for a Japanese person I guess? Yeah, fine.
Ophelia - feel like I should really like it but for some reason I've gone off it. It is nice though. I LOVE Ophelie (with the accent, can't be bothered to go and get it).
Prudence - Pru- is a bad sound and virtue names have to have a super good meaning for me to like them (Mercy, Hope).
Queen - dumb.
Roxanne - Mixed feelings. Very much "Roxanne, you don't need to turn on the red light", which is a great song but not a great association. But something in me really likes it? I think I prefer Roxana. Also, Roxie is way too loaded, so you'd have to undersell it and go with Annie.
Suellen - really Southern IMO (though I wouldn't know) and really dated. Susannah is nice and Eleanor is nice but Sue and Ellen are not my cup of tea, and smooshed together they're just a bit gross really.
Theda - kind of my style? I like it as a NN for Theodora. It's the sort of name I like to see on children but it's not my own favourite.
Ursa - too bear-y and sounds like Ursula who is a sea witch.
Vespera - really cool and bold.
Wallis - absolutely terrible and should never be a girl's name.
Zinnia - excellent fun!*"That cynicism you refer to I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys."
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