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Re: And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
Andrina --- I think it's interesting and wouldn't mind hearing someone named their baby Andrina.Blythe ---- But what if she's depressed? Actually, it's okay.Cherry --- Sex jokes.Delphina --- I like it. Essence --- It has a sexual connotation for me but I don't know why. Garnet --- It's on my sacred PNL. Need I say more?Hester ---- Uuuuggglllyyy.Isolde ---- Eh, I dunno. Makes me think a little bit of Isabelle, which I hate. Not a lot, though. Enough that I'm not sure if I like it or not.Jasmine ---- Pretty, but I keep running into a lot of them.Kendra ---- I love it. Would be a good name for the daughter of a man named Kenneth.Laureth ---- Yes! Go for the chemical! I like it more than I do Laura, anyhow.Morgana --- Why does Morgana make me think of horses? Is Morgan a breed of horse? (Looked it up, and yeah, it is.) Nori ---- Rather cute.Ophelia --- It's the type of name I usually like, but yeah, I'm one of those "I feel ya" people. Sorry. Meaning I truly am sorry to be that dumb but I can't help it.Prudence ---- I feel that I should step outside my little box and start liking this, but I can't. That box is nailed tight.Queen ---- Hell naw. I'm a MURICANRoxanne ---- I like it and would much rather see it than just Roxie.Suellen ---- Ehhhhh. Sort of like it but then there's the "Dallas" association, even though it wasn't spelled the same. Theda ---- How clunky.Ursa ---- How very bear-y.Vespera ----- Starts with a V? Check. Is three syllables? Check. Ends in an A? Check. I must like it! I don't. It makes me think of Catholicism, which is problematic for me.Wallis --- I've always been amazed that anyone anywhere put this horrible name on their daughter.Zinnia --- Comical.
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