Re: And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
in reply to a message by Billina
Andrina- why does it make me think of the word adrenal. Dunno. Too many Ns in it though.
Blythe - doggie / tryhard and not fun to say. But I do think it seems cool on paper.
Cherry - a GP for me, I like the sound and the association with cherry blossom. But it's now too hollywoody and sensualized to use. It's like Plum that way, or Apple - I hate those.
Delphina - I like it okay with an f, Delfina. I met a child named Delphine once and it seemed very stuckup.
Essence - makes me think of odors. I don't think the word is namey - it's nonsensey, like Ever, or else it's pretentious like Paradox or Theory. Essence of what? Nasty things have essences too.
Garnet - it's alright. the gar part sounds old and fusty, like Ethel and Garfield. Could be cute tho.
Hester - fantastically ugly. This is the name I give to those tangles of hair pulled out of a hairbrush. They're hesters at my house. I smirk with glee thinking that if my kids ever meet a girl named Hester, they will be unable to like her name because it means something icky. So, I will never get a granddaughter named Hester. Mischief, managed!
Isolde - sounds ugly too. Is older. He sold her.
Jasmine - I like it. I like all the vibes it has, even the ones that put many people off it. I just like it.
Kendra - I like this too.
Laureth - too bad about the soap. It could grow on me.
Morgana - characterish, too heavy for a child IMO, but I like it.
Nori - eh, I just don't like NO-names. It's nice if not for that.
Ophelia - doesn't appeal to me as a fave because of "feel ya," but it's nice in real life.
Prudence - too precious for my taste. I'd rather see a boy named Providence than a girl named Prudence.
Queen - not my thing, but don't really mind it
Roxanne - I don't like it because Roxie. Roxie on a girl is like Chance on a boy. I'd rather see Rosanne or Rossana.
Suellen - nms. Sue and Ellen both bore me, Suellen makes me feel like a letter is missing, like Jerilynn and Marilu
Theda - I like it as Thee-da, not as Thay-da. it's kinda cute as a short form of Theodora. Not really my style.
Ursa - too harsh for me, I prefer Ursula.
Vespera - I dunno. Hard to picture. I guess it's neat.
Wallis - blah.
Zinnia - I like it. THe only thing I don't like is that it's from surname Zinn.
- mirfak
Blythe - doggie / tryhard and not fun to say. But I do think it seems cool on paper.
Cherry - a GP for me, I like the sound and the association with cherry blossom. But it's now too hollywoody and sensualized to use. It's like Plum that way, or Apple - I hate those.
Delphina - I like it okay with an f, Delfina. I met a child named Delphine once and it seemed very stuckup.
Essence - makes me think of odors. I don't think the word is namey - it's nonsensey, like Ever, or else it's pretentious like Paradox or Theory. Essence of what? Nasty things have essences too.
Garnet - it's alright. the gar part sounds old and fusty, like Ethel and Garfield. Could be cute tho.
Hester - fantastically ugly. This is the name I give to those tangles of hair pulled out of a hairbrush. They're hesters at my house. I smirk with glee thinking that if my kids ever meet a girl named Hester, they will be unable to like her name because it means something icky. So, I will never get a granddaughter named Hester. Mischief, managed!
Isolde - sounds ugly too. Is older. He sold her.
Jasmine - I like it. I like all the vibes it has, even the ones that put many people off it. I just like it.
Kendra - I like this too.
Laureth - too bad about the soap. It could grow on me.
Morgana - characterish, too heavy for a child IMO, but I like it.
Nori - eh, I just don't like NO-names. It's nice if not for that.
Ophelia - doesn't appeal to me as a fave because of "feel ya," but it's nice in real life.
Prudence - too precious for my taste. I'd rather see a boy named Providence than a girl named Prudence.
Queen - not my thing, but don't really mind it
Roxanne - I don't like it because Roxie. Roxie on a girl is like Chance on a boy. I'd rather see Rosanne or Rossana.
Suellen - nms. Sue and Ellen both bore me, Suellen makes me feel like a letter is missing, like Jerilynn and Marilu
Theda - I like it as Thee-da, not as Thay-da. it's kinda cute as a short form of Theodora. Not really my style.
Ursa - too harsh for me, I prefer Ursula.
Vespera - I dunno. Hard to picture. I guess it's neat.
Wallis - blah.
Zinnia - I like it. THe only thing I don't like is that it's from surname Zinn.
- mirfak
This message was edited 5/25/2019, 2:42 PM