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Re: And, what do you think of THESE? (m)
Hi Billina !!!!Andrina 4/10 I dislike it. I much prefer Amdressa, Andrée or Andreea.Blythe 1/10 I like it on a boy.Cherry* 8/10 I like nature names. This is simple and lively. Delphina 4/10 I prefer Delphine.Essence 1/10 it reminds me a brend.Garnet 7/10 nice, but quite odd.Hester 4/10 I prefer Ester.Isolde* 8/10 I like it a lot. Strong and elegant.Jasmine* 8/10 nice. I prefer Yasmin.Kendra 7/10 great sound but.. quite strange.Laureth 3/10 dislike the spelling.Morgana* 10/10 I love this name! Nori 4/10 uhm.. I prefer other names.Ophelia 4/10 I prefer Ofelia and Ophélie.Prudence 6/10 old-fave but not my style.Queen 1/10 a title. Queenie is better.Roxanne* 9/10 as it is the French form of my name it could be a middle name for a future daughter.Suellen 1/10 horrible.Theda 4/10 Dora is better.Ursa 4/10 Orsola is better.Vespera* 8/10 I like this name a lot. So romantic!Wallis 2/10 too surnamey.Zinnia 4/10 Azalée is better.Personal Name Lists
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