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Terrence (f)
Terrence (f) has been on my mind for a while now. I’ve been seeing it more here on BtN too, so maybe I’m not alone? Though most people seem to prefer it for a boy.What do you think of Terrence for a girl?Middle name possibilities?Terrence or Terrance?“I wanna go where the sun is shining
and no one knows my name”
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I'd think it cool for a girl or boy to be Terrence - and s/he can spell the name or use any name version s/he likes. The following post is more of a re-post from last year.I am (mildly) intrigued that Aurora is thought feminine—yet that Rory, not related with Aurora--nor unrelated, is perhaps with less specific rigidity, or enforcement, masculine. Can a relationship between the boy & girl genders be synonymous with the relations between formal names and nick-names? Can a boy nicknamed Rory whether his formal is Aurora or Rory be Goddess (God?) of Morning, Sunrise, or dare I say Dawn? Can a boy known as Rory, whatever his formal name may be, share that same essential heritage -- divinity – whether the namesake for his 'known as' name is a lady? We meet people both informally & formally. Must we scrutinize every paper ballot before we assign a meaning or share (inherit or acquire) heritage? As an American I love Martin Luther King - his stance & his achievements, though I am white and (mostly) Irish / German. I love to see folks of other races wear Green on Saint Patty's day. Wait did I just feminize Saint Patrick by calling him Patty? I did not intend that much - really.Saint Teresa to me is a Hero / Heroine; to me, her achievements far exceed those of any (male) pope; yet she could not be pope due to her gender. May a boy share her name--or must he (needs be) Terence or Terry? Personally, I like the sound of Theresa better than Terry or Terence. Can he be known as Theresa in honor of all the good she did? I've never met a female James, but I do see poster's mention that James grows in popularity for girls. I am (ALMOST) absolutely indifferent to popularity. Will future wise guys (tough guys) named Jimmy / Jimmie be reported to the name police as either girly boys or statistical errors? Can a girl be a wise guy? May a lady (as an adult--perhaps a teacher) say to a child "No more Mr. Nice Guy"?
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It seems you have thoughts about gender.edit - But, no conclusions.

This message was edited 4/14/2019, 6:40 PM

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I think many of us (game geeks or not) have thoughts about gender. With names my solution is that one should assign any name that he or she likes. If the child truly dislikes it, help him or her change it.
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I think many of us (name geeks or not) have thoughts about gender. Even BtN classifies names with gender - and labors to do so- even if it merely mimics statistical classifications from other entities. With names my solution is that one should assign any name that he or she likes. If the child truly dislikes it, help him or her change it.

This message was edited 4/15/2019, 2:19 AM

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I think many of us (game geeks or not) have thoughts about gender. With names my solution is that one should assign any name that he or she likes. If the child truly dislikes it, help him or her change it.
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You sort of make sense but I have no idea what the Catholic church has to do with it. The Catholic church is a patriarchal institution and Theresa was just a spokes figure/scam so she does not have any real power in the church. Dismiss that thought. I agree about boys not taking on female names.See here: What Really Goes On At Mother Teresa's Mission In India? (2001)
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OK I've dismissed the thought that Saint Teresa has "power" in the church. She has passed. Is there anything else you don't understand?

This message was edited 4/15/2019, 5:59 PM

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I can see this used for a boy, but not a girl.
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The way it's written/typed out makes it look a tad bit feminine but, for me, I see the name itself as a masculine one.
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I think it works, but I wouldn’t have the guts to use it as a first name, maybe in the middle. Of course if she had a girlier nickname like Teryn or Teri, that could work.
I prefer Terrance with the a. I really like it for a Girl and have so for some time now.
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Glad I’m not alone. :) The only Terrence I’ve known has actually been a woman, so I guess that’s why it doesn’t seem weird at all to use for a female to me.
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I’d have been more than intrigued to meet a female named Terrence.
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Not a girls name, not even unisex. It would be refreshing to see it used on a little boy today though.I don't have a spelling preference.
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Terry works for a girl. Terrence does not.
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Er ... Terence. Male. Never seen either of the spellings you provide.
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Hi !!!Terrence, Terrance and Terence seem very masculine in my opinion, actually dated. I can see a Terrence born until 1980, not later.Terry is different: it's unisex, youthful and friendly. I would choose it for a girl rather than the full forms.
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