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My step niece had a baby today, after 24 hour labor then C section. Both mom and baby are doing well...Leila Reign "lay-la"I'm quite happy with the first name considering she's younger and not quite sure which direction they'd go. Reign doesn't even seem like a name, but I don't like word names. I'm not close to her so not sure the reasoning yet WDYT?
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I dislike Leila and any other spellings/forms except maybe Layla. I have bad associations with the name.
Reign is alright. Nothing I'd use though, but it would also be weird for me to use it since it's so close to 'Regn' which is Swedish for rain, and we don't really do word names here...
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Hi !!!If the baby was born at night so Leila Reign is beautiful. But I still linked the word 'reign' with a TV series. Infact the Italian word 'regno' has never been a given name and never will be.
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She was born at 2 in the afternoon, so not at night. I think of the show as well, or just royalty in general as that's the definition. It's why I hate word names, but I guess the meaning is nice. Better than using Princess or Queenie / Queen.
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Maybe Reign is a fancy spelling effort at Rain?
Leila is nice. I have a niece-by-marriage name Leila, that spelling.
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