What are your general or detailed thoughts about the name, Wyatt?
It's alright, but not my style.
It gets cowboyness / Old West vibe from Wyatt Earp. So, a little bit of this:

But also just has a slight surnamey feeling, without being as impersonal-sounding as other surname-names.
A coworker of mine named a son Wyatt back in ... 1999 I think? So it just seems normal/modern/popular to me, about like Everett and Logan.
When I concentrate on it, I remember a kids' show on PBS called Super Why, that had a main character named Whyatt. How silly is that. But it doesn't affect my impression of the name - except that the character seemed very assertive (which seems Wyatt-ish to me) and curious and talkative (not so Wyatt-ish to me).

It gets cowboyness / Old West vibe from Wyatt Earp. So, a little bit of this:

But also just has a slight surnamey feeling, without being as impersonal-sounding as other surname-names.
A coworker of mine named a son Wyatt back in ... 1999 I think? So it just seems normal/modern/popular to me, about like Everett and Logan.
When I concentrate on it, I remember a kids' show on PBS called Super Why, that had a main character named Whyatt. How silly is that. But it doesn't affect my impression of the name - except that the character seemed very assertive (which seems Wyatt-ish to me) and curious and talkative (not so Wyatt-ish to me).

This message was edited 9/20/2018, 10:27 AM
I don't like this name at all.
I actually like it. Its not my typical choice stylistically, but I think its handsome and fun!
It makes me think of cowboys. The people in my area who use Wyatt are the type that like to think of themselves of cowboys, but have never actually stepped foot on a ranch and just like country music.
I don't personally find the sound appealing.
I don't personally find the sound appealing.
It's never used where I live, so all I know is that it's a well-established lnfn in the US. I don't enjoy the way it begins with 'Why'.
I'm neutral about the name/leaning towards liking it. It's interesting people associate it with cowboys because I think of it as a youthful-intellectual type name.
I used to really like Wyatt, but I’ve lost interest in recent years. It sounds like a cowboy name.
I like it. It's not a name that gets used much here in Australia, so it's not something you see or hear everywhere. I've actually never met a Wyatt before. I love the strong, cowboy type vibe it has.