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Re: Fanny and Dick (more)
The Famous Five series of children's books by Enid Blyton contained a character named Dick who had an aunt named Fanny. And this seems to have been fine in the 1940s to maybe the early 60s, but as Using Rude Words became more frequent, kids began to snigger. And there's a lot of controversy in fandom, apparently, because these names and others have been updated/sanitised in new editions: Fanny could I suppose be Frannie and Dick could be Rick. That kind of thing. Some traditionalists prefer the originals, of course.So, yes. I've known lots of Frances people but they were always Fran. And Richard becomes Ricky or Rick where I live. I would be surprised to find either Fanny or Dick used as full names, even a century or so ago, but I've been surprised before. And if I named a child Frances, I wouldn't use a nn; same with Richard. I just like the full forms better.
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