2.) Why isn't there a European-American or Asian-American section?
3.) ALL of the names are called GHETTO. Only the names on this section are called GHETTO. Put 2 and 2 together.
...because Asian-Americans typically use either an English name (I saw a BA for an Asian baby named Kashton), or a name from whichever Asian culture they came from (I saw a BA for an Asian baby named Moo [which may be Korean, Thai, or Malaysian]). It's not a trait of Asian-American culture to make up new names the way it is for African Americans (Asian Americans know which country they're from, which is not often the case with African Americans).
Do you think taking the "African-American" usage off the site will stop people from calling AA names "ghetto"? Because if someone thinks Tanisha (or whatever) is "ghetto", they're going to think that whether BtN has it labled as African American or not.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 2:05 PM

The ratings are not the view of the website. They are voted on by people. You can go and vote on it right now.
You may have noticed this, but some people are racist! And some people might just think Tory is a bad name for any other reason. Maybe they think it's too feminine for a man. Maybe the Tor sound makes them think of the dark web. Maybe it reminds them of their ex. Maybe they don't like that it rhymes with Snore-y. Maybe they have an irrational dislike of the letter T. Could be anything.
Honestly don't know what you want at this point.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 1:10 PM
But it also a completely separate culture that has it's own naming styles and it deserves to have it's own usage.
And I'm not even in charge of the main database.
The category isn't going anywhere. Let it go.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 1:44 PM
It has the word "African" in it because African-Americans exist. They exist and they are not the same as European-Americans or Asian-Americans or any other Whatever-Americans there are. One thing African-Americans have done, unlike other Whatever-Americans, is to create their own naming culture. And they did this as a reaction to centuries of bondage and discrimination. And if you want to ask why African-Americans did this as opposed to the other races and groups, it's because, while other races and groups have experienced discrimination in America, none other have experienced it for so long a time and to the degree that African-Americans have.
So some people are racist and some people see an African-American name and automatically think "ghetto" and "trashy." They do this because they are racist. They are. The names in and of themselves are not racist, and those who categorize the names are not racist.
It actually shows a lack of respect for African-American culture to insist that there is no such thing as an African-American name and/or insist that they shouldn't be categorized as such.
If you are really offended, then you should target the correct people, the people making the racist "ghetto" and "trashy" statements. What you are doing is akin to arguing that all blacks should be moved back to Africa so that whites won't be tempted to act racist towards them.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 2:11 PM
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 2:58 PM
African-American is supposed to refer to usage, not language of origin. That's supposed to be true of all the other usages marked on the individual name pages too, but it's probably a little inconsistent. Like, Mila is not marked as a French usage - but it was the sixth most popular name in France in 2016, so it really should be. But just because a name is listed as one usage, doesn't mean that other usages are excluded (many names listed African-American have been used by both black and non-black Americans).
The usage category is called "African-American" just because that's currently the term that seems to be preferred. It could as well be Black American.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:46 PM
I think it's useful to point this out to you. That's the reason I've responded.
2.) No, it's not useful to point this out to me. Thanks fot caring, anyways
3.) Again, missing the point.I don't like it because it wrongly associated with Africa, even though the names(except Shaniqua) are not from any African languages. They're just prefixes like -la and -de added to French, Spanish or Russian names, or different spellings of those names. There is nothing African in those names.
You said:
I don't like the fact that there is an African-American section on this website. The names in the section are usually called trashy and ghetto. Yes, a lot of the names there are not the best, but I feel that there is a deeper meaning to the comments.
ALL of the names are called GHETTO. Only the names on this section are called GHETTO. Put 2 and 2 together.
Check the names Tory(1) and Tory(2). The Tory labeled African-American is rated at 44% and the Tory labeled English is 52%. Care to explain?
Then you changed your tune because you were being backed into a corner. But the fact that you changed your tune means it was useful to point all of this out to you, I guess.
"Check the names Tory(1) and Tory(2). The Tory labeled African-American is rated at 44% and the Tory labeled English is 52%. Care to explain?"
Was this edited out? I haven't seen it in the thread. I haven't read the whole thing, though...
Anyway, I'd guess the lower rating for the Tory listed as African-American has more to do with gender; it's a NN for Salvatore. When I was growing up, the only other (than me) Tory I knew was actually a black guy, but most people think of it as feminine because Victoria's much more common than Salvatore.
Names used for guys that are perceived as feminine are not widely popular.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 4:39 PM
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:40 PM
Bottom line, you don't have the right to decide what African-Americans are called.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:53 PM
"Assume" is your favorite word. Any time I address what you say, I'm "assuming".
There's no having a rational discussion with someone like you, therefore, I am done.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:59 PM
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 4:27 PM
I am not speaking "on behalf of" African-Americans. It is a fact that "African-American" is what most of them want to be called. If tomorrow they decide they want to be called something else, it would not be my place to argue with it.
Yes, I know you were speaking about the names, but the names are called African-American because they are created by and used by predominately African-Americans, and the "African" part of that title is supposedly what motivated you to post, so the fact that the group is termed African-American is relevant to the discussion.
What's incontrovertibly true is that African-American is a more commonly used term in 2018 than is black. Not that it's any of your business.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 4:05 PM
Does that mean people are being put into boxes or that a French boy having a French name is just a stereotype or that there shouldn't be a French name category on BtN?
People expecting or not expecting is not an excuse. Why I have my name is none of their business.
The context in which you brought it up made it clear that you thought it was denigrating to you to be asked that question, and my point was simply that it is not necessarily so.
It's just like, it'd be surprising to meet a black woman, or a white woman, named Junko. It wouldn't be surprising to meet a Japanese woman named Junko, because it's a Japanese name. That's why it's listed as Japanese on this site.
I'm sorry people in your life don't grasp that, but we're not the ones you should be mad at.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 1:29 PM
Right now, names used mainly by European-Americans aren't categorized separately because European-Americans are the dominant group, both politically and numerically. That could change some day.
Fess up, you never cared that the names don't come from Africa. You were hurt by the racism that the names elicited, and your reaction was to deny that the names exist as a category. You're not the first person to do this and you won't be the last. There's no shame in having things explained to you, you don't have to change the subject to save face.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 1:51 PM
Would you feel better about the category being called “Black American”? Because these names definitely deserve their own category just as any other culture does, and your harping on the word Africa doesn’t really make sense to me, so I’m wondering if you think changing the terminology would be better.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:06 PM
Don't pin dumb nonsense on me.
Sometimes white Americans are called European-Americans, and I've never heard a European holler about it.
I think, because you're not African-American, that you don't get a say in what they are called and what their names are called.
Basically, you don't like the term "African-American" applied to these names because you feel that the racism that European-Americans show towards African-Americans splashes over onto you as an African.
And the answer to that is still to attack the racism and not the name of the race. The racism is the problem, the name of the race is not.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 3:50 PM
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 4:45 PM
No, you don't.
This message was edited 6/19/2018, 2:25 PM