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twin girls, due in May
Me again. at the moment, they're-
Zahara Sage
Hazelle Sophia Hazelle rhymes with gazelle. I think I need to replace Hazelle. I all but made it up. Suggestions? thanks, Gina
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Well Zahara is a lot like Angelina Jolie's dtr's name. I don't know if that bothers you or not but I personally would not use it because of that. Hazelle is going to be mispronounced a lot.
Other ideas:
Zamarra zah-MAH-rah Spanish "shepherd's coat"
Zorille ZOH-rihl Spanish/Greek "little fire"
Sariya sah-REE-ah Arabic "clouds at night'
Hadara hah-DAHR-ah Hebrew "splendor"
Helima or Helimah hah-LEEM-ah Arabic "gentle or patient"
Haila German "strong, healthy"
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thanks for taking the time to reply.
Zahara is exactly Angelina Jolie's dtr's name. It's evidently not a rare name in other parts of the world. My Afghan friends know several Zahara's. She doesn't own the name in my book. She's not Elvis or Madonna is she? Honestly, I know nothing about her.
You're right about the pronounciation of Hazelle.
I have to look for more common names, but I really like the "ha" (short a) in Zahara and Hazelle.
thanks again, Gina
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Ya I would replace Hazelle.
But children typically get mocked in the first years of school and most younger children don't know what a gazelle is.
What about Hazel?Daggett: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Euro-pee-aahn and, I am sad vounce again.
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
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Ya I would replace Hazelle.
But children typically get mocked in the first years of school and most younger children don't know what a gazelle is.
What about Hazel?Daggett: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Euro-pee-aahn and, I am sad vounce again.
Yakko: Well It's that time agian
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
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I'm sorry but I think you're names are trashy sounding. Zahara is like you're an Angelina a bit more original. Zara would even be better though not great. Hazelle is just awful. If you want that sound why not use Giselle? Or just plain Hazel?
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I think Zahara should be changed... I immediately think of Angelina Jolie. Not bad, but the name could soon become VERY popular.I do love Sage, though.
I like Hazel Sophia, but Hazelle is not very pretty IMO.If you want the same sound for Zahara, try: (Favorites starred)
Adara Sage
Amara Sage**
Atara Sage**
Cara Sage
Lara Sage** (If you like Angleina Jolie, this could still be a subtle refernce, heh heh. Think Lara Croft, Tomb Raider)
Mara Sage
Tamara Sage
Xara Sage
Zara Sage** (Still very close in sound, but not an exact copy of Angelina :-P)
See here for more:*araSo, IMO, this is very nice:
Zara Sage
Hazel Sophia
jULiA!Forget regret...Or life is yours to miss...RENT = Love! :-D
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I appreciate everyone that took the time to respond. I read everyone's thoughts more than once. It is the sound of Zahara that I like. My last name is 2 syllables and begins with Har-. I enjoyed the repeated "ha" (short a) in both names. I don't even know who Angelina Jolie is. The little TV I watch is exclusively Spanish programming and I haven't seen a movie in English in 10 years. Surely Angelina Jolie is not that influencial. Is she that popular? I imagined the connection would quickly pass. When I mention the name to my friends, none of them were aware of her, but again, none of my friends are very familiar with American culture as they are all immigrants. The one comment I have received from a school teacher was that I should give my girls "white girl names". Although I heard her perspective, it's offensive I believe to say to a stranger. If I stick with Zahara, I think her sister needs a less traditional name than Hazel. I think something that stresses the 2nd or 3rd syllable. just my thoughts at the moment, thanks again to everyone who pitched in, Gina
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Zahara is pretty - how about a Spanish name for your second girl?
How about one twin with a Z name and one with an A name? Alphas & Omega kind of thing...Maybe:
Araceli (this is very pretty & different)Best of luck with your girls.
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I like Zahara Sage..
And Hazel is cute.*
Jack Bauer Rocks!
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Zahara Sage - i would pick somthing a little more in style to Sophia to be the second name for Zahara, with an unusual name as a first name I like to pair it with a more common name
Hazelle Sophia - I would prefer Hazel Sophia but this combo is lovely
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Beatrice
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Catherine
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Emily
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Irene
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Juliet
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Louise
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Lilian
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Maris
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Natalie
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Olivie
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Phoebe
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Rosalind
Hazelle Sophia and Zahara Vivian


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Just Hazel Sophia is nice
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Zahara Sage -- Two things leap to mind. (1) I didn't know sage grew in the saraha. (2) Angelina Jolie wannabe name. Sorry. I really like just plain Hazel. But if you want to replace Hazelle, how about:Isabelle Sophia
Gisele Sophia (zhee-ZELL)
Adele Sophia
Gabrielle Sophia
Danielle Sophia
Noe"l Sophia (no-ELL)
Annabel Sophia
Christabel Sophia
Mirabel Sophia (= miracle)
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i agree with the Zahara Sage thing
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What about Hazel Sophia? That's absolutely gorgeous, and is a real name.
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