I keep coming back to this lovely name which seems quite fresh in my mind since I've never known a soul named Marielle / Mariel and have only heard of two famous people with the name: Mariel (an actress) and Marielle (a musician). Still, I've discovered that it's not the easiest name to pair with a mn. These are the combos I've come up with so far:
Marielle Claire
Marielle Christine
Marielle Corinne
Marielle Daphne
Marielle Elisabeth (perhaps too predictable?)
Marielle Grace (ditto even though the flow is nice)
Marielle Joy
Marielle Justine
Marielle Sophie
Marielle Zoe
I have to say, these combos don't feel totally right to me although Marielle Justine is probably my fave at the moment. Can you recommend any mns? As you can see, I'm mainly stuck on French mns although I'd welcome any suggestions of any length. Also, have you ever known anyone with this name?
Thanks so much.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Marielle Claire
Marielle Christine
Marielle Corinne
Marielle Daphne
Marielle Elisabeth (perhaps too predictable?)
Marielle Grace (ditto even though the flow is nice)
Marielle Joy
Marielle Justine
Marielle Sophie
Marielle Zoe
I have to say, these combos don't feel totally right to me although Marielle Justine is probably my fave at the moment. Can you recommend any mns? As you can see, I'm mainly stuck on French mns although I'd welcome any suggestions of any length. Also, have you ever known anyone with this name?
Thanks so much.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wow, I'd never heard of Marielle Franco before. How sad.
Your suggestions are beautiful. Funny, I normally don't care for fns that end in a vowel running into mns that begin with one yet Marielle Amelie is gorgeous! I also like Amelie better in the middle since there would likely be pronunciation issues. I can only imagine how the folks around here would pronounce it. :-)
Thank you for your help!
Your suggestions are beautiful. Funny, I normally don't care for fns that end in a vowel running into mns that begin with one yet Marielle Amelie is gorgeous! I also like Amelie better in the middle since there would likely be pronunciation issues. I can only imagine how the folks around here would pronounce it. :-)
Thank you for your help!
How are you pronouncing it? I like mah-ree-EL a lot but MARE-ee-ul leaves me cold. I've met one Mariel.
Marielle Justine is nice, though I'm not a big fan of Justine.
Marielle Jane
Marielle Victoria
Marielle Vivian/Vivienne
Marielle Eve
Marielle Celeste
Marielle Josephine
Marielle Sophia
Marielle Katherine
Marielle Simone
Marielle Justine is nice, though I'm not a big fan of Justine.
Marielle Jane
Marielle Victoria
Marielle Vivian/Vivienne
Marielle Eve
Marielle Celeste
Marielle Josephine
Marielle Sophia
Marielle Katherine
Marielle Simone
I've run into Mariel once. Never Marielle.
To me they're not the same name, partly because of the different emphasis on syllables. Mariel is MAYR-ee-əl, and Marielle is either Mary-YELL or mar-ee-ELL. Mariel seems like a complete name, Marielle seems like a diminutive for Mary.
I like Mariel. I don't care for Marielle - but I prefer the mar- pronunciation for it, rather than the mayr- one.
I like Marielle Corinne and Marielle Zoe.
Marielle Elizabeth doesn't work imo because of the -elle El- repeat.
I kinda like the French mn thing, because I feel like it forces the mar- prn instead of mayr.
Marielle Valentine (with French -teen pronunciation)
Marielle Melisande
Marielle Noémi
Marielle Johanne
Marielle Yolande
To me they're not the same name, partly because of the different emphasis on syllables. Mariel is MAYR-ee-əl, and Marielle is either Mary-YELL or mar-ee-ELL. Mariel seems like a complete name, Marielle seems like a diminutive for Mary.
I like Mariel. I don't care for Marielle - but I prefer the mar- pronunciation for it, rather than the mayr- one.
I like Marielle Corinne and Marielle Zoe.
Marielle Elizabeth doesn't work imo because of the -elle El- repeat.
I kinda like the French mn thing, because I feel like it forces the mar- prn instead of mayr.
Marielle Valentine (with French -teen pronunciation)
Marielle Melisande
Marielle Noémi
Marielle Johanne
Marielle Yolande
I actually like both spellings, however, I prefer Marielle because the stress is more on the 'elle' ending while Mariel can be pronounced similar to Muriel which I don't especially care for. In addition, I've heard people pronounce Mariel three different ways so again, Marielle looks less problematic. I agree with you that MAR is much nicer and I think it would be worth the effort to get people to pronounce it that way. Who knows if it would take?
Thank you for your suggestions. Marielle Noémi and Marielle Valentine are just gorgeous. I'm with you on the repetitiveness of MariELLE ELisabeth. I do like the French spelling much more than Elizabeth. It's a reliable option if not an exciting one, lol.
Thank you for your suggestions. Marielle Noémi and Marielle Valentine are just gorgeous. I'm with you on the repetitiveness of MariELLE ELisabeth. I do like the French spelling much more than Elizabeth. It's a reliable option if not an exciting one, lol.