Sister-of-a-friend BA
Another high school friend of mine became an aunt recently, to a baby girl. Her name is...
McKinleigh. Yes, this spelling. I'm usually kind of a sucker for last names as firsts, but not this name. They could've at least spelled it McKinley!
I'm not expecting any love on this name, but there it is. lol
Please rate my PNLs!
Top girls: Amelia, Lydia, Heather
Top boys: Jason, Alexander, Julian
McKinleigh. Yes, this spelling. I'm usually kind of a sucker for last names as firsts, but not this name. They could've at least spelled it McKinley!
I'm not expecting any love on this name, but there it is. lol
Please rate my PNLs!
Top girls: Amelia, Lydia, Heather
Top boys: Jason, Alexander, Julian
I have a cousin we call Mac who is really McKinley. It always breaks my heart a little to see it on a girl, because it is a boy name in my family history. My great-grandfather was born shortly after William McKinley was assassinated and was named William McKinley, but went by McKinley or Mac.
I think its worse though that they changed the spelling. I would rather see McKinley on a girl than McKinleigh. It looks awkwardly lumpy with that spelling.
I think its worse though that they changed the spelling. I would rather see McKinley on a girl than McKinleigh. It looks awkwardly lumpy with that spelling.
i feel like they're gonna get sick of it pretty fast, more so than many similar's gonna be so tiring to spell. i feel like they just wanted something more "unique" than Mackenzie.
That's an interesting name. Congrats to them!

Says, "I don't love it!"
And neither do I. Baby girls are getting some godawful names these days.

Says, "I don't love it!"
And neither do I. Baby girls are getting some godawful names these days.
That is... just awful. But I'm sure she's a sweet little darling of a baby and they're all tickled pink with her, and that's what matters.
I agree with you
Yeah, it's...not the greatest, lol. McKinley just makes me think of the mountain.