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Re: Lara
in reply to a message by Janan
I like it more than Laura and I dislike when Lara is pronounced the same way. They should be pronounced differently.There are other L names I prefer like Luna or Leona or Lavender, etc,,.I like Lara more than Sara, Tara, Cara/ Kara, Dara, and Zara but I like Mara more than Lara. Although I prefer Clara to Lara and I also prefer it to Mara.I think I like Lana and Lara about equally.So I like Lara but there are many names I prefer. I think Lara just seems a little bit bland.
----------Favorite Names:Vivian, Aurora, Hazel, Fiona, Sabrina, Citrina, Josephine, Maeve, April, Dorothea, Althea, Artemis, Delphina, Frida, Luna, Iris, Marguerite, CascadiaCiaran, Rowan, Brendan, Malcolm, Cedar, Robin, Julian, Tristan, Arthur, Magnus, Felix, Cedric, Adrian, Xavier, Connor, Silas, Gavin

This message was edited 10/28/2017, 3:25 AM

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