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Wdyt of Lara?
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I like it very much. I'm also a fan of Lara Croft, which is an added bonus for the name!
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I like it more than Laura and I dislike when Lara is pronounced the same way. They should be pronounced differently.There are other L names I prefer like Luna or Leona or Lavender, etc,,.I like Lara more than Sara, Tara, Cara/ Kara, Dara, and Zara but I like Mara more than Lara. Although I prefer Clara to Lara and I also prefer it to Mara.I think I like Lana and Lara about equally.So I like Lara but there are many names I prefer. I think Lara just seems a little bit bland.

This message was edited 10/28/2017, 3:25 AM

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Lara is a cool name. I'd love to be able to say that Lara of "Dr. Zhivago" was my first association, but I'd be lying. She's my second... after Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Both are great characters, though.I had Lara Cordelia on my Top 10 last month.
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I like it. So Russian and pretty! I love the way it looks written in Cyrillic.
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I like it with the LAHR-uh pronunciation, which is the only way I’ve heard it here. I much prefer it to similar names like Laura and Clara.
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I like it, it’s very endearing and sweet.
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For me looks like not a full name. Prefer Clara, Laura, Lora, Delara, Clarissa or Larissa.
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Croft? Dr Zhivago? Either way, I far, far prefer Laura. Lara seems thin and flimsy.
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I like Sara, Cara, Farrah, Mara, and Tara more than I like Lara. They all seem more substantial.
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Very pretty! The only problem I can think of is that some people will say "LAH-ra" and some will say "LARE-uh". As long as that's not an issie for you, I say go for it!
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I say "LAH-ra"
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Love it. Simple but beautiful. And still uncommon (where I live at least.)
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Love it! 10/10
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Hi Janan !!!!Lara is a beautiful name!It is simple, elegant but with a strong, indipendent, Russian vibe.It is also an international name!
It is easy to spell and pronounce in nearly every language!Also in Italy it is growing in popularity! It has +2 às #65 with 595 babies born in 2015!Finally it could have an alternative etymology: the Lares in Roman mythology were familiar guardian gods. It is a very positive link too for me!So I really like it!
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