Re: Veronica
It's very dated here, but it was never popular. We don't have a large English-speaking population, and most Catholics aren't English speakers, which might account for it.I find it unattractive and very inconvenient: it's long, so it'd need a nn, but all the options are NMS. Vera is totally dated, Ron is unattractive on males and worse on females, Nic or Nick or Nicky etc would get lost in all the throngs of Nicole people, and then there's the possibility of someone with a sense of humour doing things with Nica's knickers ...
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Veronica  ·  Perrine  ·  8/16/2017, 2:40 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  foxgloves  ·  8/16/2017, 5:54 PM
Re: Veronica  ·  Justina  ·  8/16/2017, 5:08 PM
Re: Veronica  ·  Olwen  ·  8/16/2017, 9:37 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  queenv  ·  8/16/2017, 8:27 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  8/16/2017, 7:31 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  Anneza  ·  8/16/2017, 5:45 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  8/16/2017, 6:40 PM
Re: Veronica  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  8/16/2017, 7:30 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  PeachyGirl86  ·  8/16/2017, 4:30 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  Tisiphone  ·  8/16/2017, 4:47 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  Tisiphone  ·  8/16/2017, 3:11 AM
Re: Veronica  ·  Felie  ·  8/16/2017, 3:11 AM