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I like it. It reminds me of Kira Nerys. (But aside from that I do think NER-iss is prettier and more intuitive-- I didn't even think it could be ner-EES before I saw DS9). Nerys Violet
Nerys Opal
Nerys Octavia
Nerys Olympia
Nerys Viviana
Nerys Bethan
Nerys Wilhelmina
Nerys Phoebe
Nerys Fionnuala
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I think it's quite dated in Wales. I prefer Carys or Cerys.
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I think it's very pretty. 8/10 for me!
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I think of the Star Trek character - like it. Nerys GwendolynOK, having discovered the correct pronunciation is NER-iss I'm not as enamored

This message was edited 7/26/2017, 10:10 AM

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Same here. I don't like the correct pronunciation as much. I don't think its as pretty as other -rys names and I'm too into Star Trek to read it as anything but neh-REESE
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Ooh, I absolutely love it! Welsh names are so pretty. 8/10
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Also love.
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