Is Finn becoming to popular? I have always liked the nn Finn, most likely to be used with Finnegan (after the tv show "Mr. Dressup"), but lately its seems like one celebrity after another is using it. Eric McCormack has a Finnigan / Finnegan (not sure of the spelling he used), Julia had a Phinneaus (should have been Phineas / Phinehas, but that neither here nor there) nn Finn, Holly-Marie Combs has a Finley, and now Christy Turlington & Ed Burnes have a new son Finn. Plus Angie Harmon has a little girl named Finley.
Is Finnegan a safer bet than Finley or Phineas? What Finn name do you like the best? Finnegan is my favourite, with Finley being a very close second, but since we also love the name Lily I don't want to many "lee" endings. Thoughts?
Do you think this popularity will translate into the general public as it has done with names like Ava, Ella, & Jackson? Am I too late? I always thought I sort of preferred Harrison & Kiefer, but now that I might not be able to use it, I'm upset :(. Thoughts?
Jacks, Future Mama to Attached Babies (waiting TTC)
"Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading." - G. M. Trevelyan
Is Finnegan a safer bet than Finley or Phineas? What Finn name do you like the best? Finnegan is my favourite, with Finley being a very close second, but since we also love the name Lily I don't want to many "lee" endings. Thoughts?
Do you think this popularity will translate into the general public as it has done with names like Ava, Ella, & Jackson? Am I too late? I always thought I sort of preferred Harrison & Kiefer, but now that I might not be able to use it, I'm upset :(. Thoughts?
Jacks, Future Mama to Attached Babies (waiting TTC)
"Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading." - G. M. Trevelyan
It feels like it is...
And you know what else? In the movie Stay Alive one of the characters is Phineus* (nn Finn) even! And it certainly does seem like celebs are naming their children this more and more which you know will probably lead to a sudden incread in popularity for it, especially because of Julia Roberts!
Hell, even I am starting to like this name! And just two years ago I despised it...
*Then again, the other characters in Stay Alive were Hutch, Swink, October, Loomis... all fns! :-) lol
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
And you know what else? In the movie Stay Alive one of the characters is Phineus* (nn Finn) even! And it certainly does seem like celebs are naming their children this more and more which you know will probably lead to a sudden incread in popularity for it, especially because of Julia Roberts!
Hell, even I am starting to like this name! And just two years ago I despised it...
*Then again, the other characters in Stay Alive were Hutch, Swink, October, Loomis... all fns! :-) lol
- Serenity
I love Finn. I also like Finnian and Finlay (prefer this spelling, though not sure why), and even Phineas, but I prefer just plain Finn. I can see it catching on in certain circles, and it has caught on with several celebs, but I can't see it becoming hugely or widely popular. I fear it might become trendy, though. :(


I don't think Finn is becoming too popular. I don't personally know a single Finn, Finley, or Finnegan, etc... Listed from favorite to least favorite: Finn, Finnegan, Finley, Phineas.
"Lord, help me to understand that You ain't going to let nothing come my way that You and me together can't handle." Anonymous African Boy
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." Aesop
"Lord, help me to understand that You ain't going to let nothing come my way that You and me together can't handle." Anonymous African Boy
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." Aesop