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What do you think about Cassander? Does it look too feminine like Cassandra? I have seen people smoosh names together, like Jonathaniel. Does Cassander look like smooshing Cassandra and Andrew?~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ "I'm Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third. But you can call me Dot."
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I've never seen it before, but I like it. It looks regal!
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Jonathaniel ??? That's awful. Cassander, otoh, is an excellent name. It's strong yet gentle, not too feminine, and Cas is a lovely nn. It doesn't seem like a smoosh name to me, but that might just be because I'm a name nerd so I know the etymology of it and it's been on my radar for a long time.
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Cassander is lovely! :) It does sorta look like a smoosh name to me but I know it's legitimate so it doesn't bother me.

This message was edited 7/2/2017, 9:31 AM

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Funny. Two of my absolutely favorite male names are Cassius and Evander, and Cassander looks like a mash-up of them, but somehow Cassander doesn't do it for me. Trying to analyze why.....yeah, I think it's because it seems too feminine. "Cass" by itself doesn't, and "ander" by itself doesn't, but together they do.

This message was edited 7/2/2017, 10:12 AM

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Well, in Skelton's poem to Mistress Margaret Hussey he seems to use Cassander as an alternative for Cassandra, so it's always seemed feminine to me, in spite of the masculine -ander. And therefore not like any kind of smoosh.That said, I don't like Cassandra much.
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I don't think it looks too feminine at all, but then I actively like feminine male names. I also don't think it looks like a smoosh; it just looks like itself, and I like it.
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I like it. I find it a "softer" masculine name, although at the same time I can totally picture it on a king or soldier (someone who's strong, a good leader etc.). It doesn't look like a "smooshed" name at all to me. I actually prefer it to Lysander because the "lie" beginning turns me off a little. Plus Cass is such a cute nickname :)
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I love Cassander! It's so gentle to me. Etymologically, Cassandra and Andrew both derive from the Ancient Greek word for man, so they were already legitimately connected. Cassander simply looks like the masculine form of Cassandra to me, which is precisely what it is.
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I don't like it.
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