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Re: Hannah or Rebecca?
Hi !!!Well..
They have a similar sound for me too.But another time I choose Rebecca,
It is simple and clear to spell and pronounce.
It can be used in different languages.
It has also somenthing aristocratic as I already said.Hannah has too many "h" imo TT
There are so many variant of this name that it is nearly impossible choose another one to describe..
But definetly I dislike this one.
If you want a similar one so use Channah which has the "ch" sound pronounced kh. I think it could be enough similar but much better.Augusto Aurelio Basilio Bruno Filippo Flavio Leone Luigi Stefano ValerioAnastasia Angelica Cassandra Clarastella Corinna Dafne Diana Dora Fiammetta Flora Gelsomina Ginevra Lavinia Luna Morgana Noemi Olimpia Perla Rosa Rossella Serena Stella Susanna
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