Re: Eleanor & Zelda ...
in reply to a message by Ciarda
Eleanor is a favorite of mine. To settle the nickname question, I'd say that you could use it, but call her something besides Ella. I've always thought Lenore/ Lenora and Nora sound pretty. And, I like both Eleanor and Elinor, but I'd use Eleanor.
Zelda is pretty, but the confusion with Velda might be confusing. I suppose it could work as a MN but then what FN would you use? Maybe you could use Griselda instead and call her Zelda?
I love Eleanor Ruth, and Zelda Ruth is pretty as well.
Ahh, nature . . .

Zelda is pretty, but the confusion with Velda might be confusing. I suppose it could work as a MN but then what FN would you use? Maybe you could use Griselda instead and call her Zelda?
I love Eleanor Ruth, and Zelda Ruth is pretty as well.
Ahh, nature . . .

This message was edited 3/30/2006, 2:13 PM