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Re: Zerelda
Thanks for your reflections! Vivian is one of my favorite male names, so I use Vivien as a female name.
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Vivien is so male to me and is common in French-speaking places. I prefer Vivienne for a woman always, which to me deems the spelling Vivian completely dowdy.

This message was edited 12/24/2016, 1:48 AM

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Ahhhh I understand. Vivien seems just as masculine to me as Vivian because it was originally the masculine French version. Vivienne looks very feminine. These days it doesn't seem to matter so much anymore and Vivian just looks happier and fresher to me if that makes sense. I do like Vivien because it reminds me of Vivien Leigh (I once read that her birth name was actually Vivian. Not sure if it is true but I thought it was interesting).
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