The word gúnár means "gander" in Hungarian and Gunnar reminds me of that, thus it is nms. The Gun- element would also disturb me.
Budgerigars, ceiling fans, the Times of India are all part of the luggage I brought into the world... Blue Jesus leaked into me; and Mary's desperation, and Joseph's revolutionary wildness, and the flightiness of Alice Pereira... all these maed me, too.
Budgerigars, ceiling fans, the Times of India are all part of the luggage I brought into the world... Blue Jesus leaked into me; and Mary's desperation, and Joseph's revolutionary wildness, and the flightiness of Alice Pereira... all these maed me, too.
If pronounced GUN-nar (or GUN-ner), as I usually hear it here in the U.S., it has the word "gun" in it. And if pronounced as you say, GOO-nar, it has the word "goon" in it (i.e. someone who is goony or goofy, or perhaps a criminal :b) which is even more unattractive imo. :-/


I actually like this name... even if it has gun in the name like others are saying... I also like Gunther- I know someone with this name and he both goes by Gun and his fullname, and even with the whole gun in the name he is the sweetest guy!
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
It reminds me of "gun her down!" and so seems very violent to me. It's nmsaa.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I love the name Gunnar (eventhough it has the word "gun" in it). I pron. it GOO-nahr, so it doesn't sound like someone with a gun...
I don't like the pronnouciation of "GOO-nahr" personally. It sounds like "Goober" and if somepeople don't know it not only means "Peanut" but now it is slang for "Gay person"
Ned Flat: Why are you acting like this?
Yakko: We're not acting. We really are like this.
Dracula: I am Count Dracula!
Yakko: Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?
Yakko: Well it's that time again!
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
Ned Flat: Why are you acting like this?
Yakko: We're not acting. We really are like this.
Dracula: I am Count Dracula!
Yakko: Didn't you use to teach math on Sesame Street?
Yakko: Well it's that time again!
Dot: To make fun of the Disney Channel?
I thought it was the original pron. But I never heard of "Goober" so that's no problem for me :)
NMSAA, as it has "gun" in it.