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We all know that Fanny used to be a perfectly unobjectionable nickname for Frances, and was in fact quite common, but then became unusable in English speaking countries due to slang meanings. But what about Fan? Do you think that could still work as a nickname for Frances?
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I'm not a fan of Fan ;)Mainly because the word 'fan' is too common in both of its usages and because the word can be used to describe a person as opposed to an inanimate object. I think that's when words as names become much more confusing.
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In Swedish it's another name for Satan and also used as a curse, so no thanks.

This message was edited 5/23/2016, 10:58 AM

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Fanny was one of my teen age nicknames. These days I'm more likely to get called Fran or France.Fan makes me think of someone's fan, or an electric fan, or the sh*t hitting the fan.
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I've known multiple Fran people, but never a Fan, which I think says something about public perceptions. And, why would Fan stay Fan and not become Fanny just as Ann often becomes Annie? So, no - too dangerous!
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I prefer Fran as a nickname for Frances. I think Fanny works, although it's a bit of a stretch. I know it was quite common, but isn't over here. Fan is too much of a stretch. I sounds like someone can't pronounce the r.
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No, to me it sounds like a mispronunciation of Fran. Fanny is already a pretty bad nickname and Fan isn't much better.I also think of Fan as a surname.

This message was edited 5/20/2016, 9:28 PM

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I prefer Fran, as a NN for Frances.I think Fan would be an okay NN for Fantasia.
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What about Franny?
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I'm not approaching this as "I need a nickname for Frances", but rather, "Does this nickname work?"
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I think that would work, although it might too easily morph into Fanny. However, I knew a Van and I never heard her called Vanny.
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