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WDYTO Bruno?
Impressions, opinions, any associations in real life?What middle names would you pair with Bruno?Thanks!
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Bruno was the first name of my italian teacher at school. Many students laughed when they found out his name. I can never take the name seriously.Bruno Ruben
Bruno Norberto
Bruno Engelbert
Bruno Emilio
Bruno Anton
Bruno Luca
Bruno Edgard
Bruno Jeremias
Bruno Konrad
Bruno Lars
Bruno Antonio
Bruno Augustin
Bruno Guy
Bruno Damien
Bruno Wilhelm
Bruno Romeo
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A big, hulking, dumb bear of a man, possibly beats people up on a for-hire basis.
It really seems like a joke name, like something you'd give a dog rather than a person.
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It is a bear-type name, however, years ago my daughter had a boyfriend named Bruno, he was of average height, slender, and blond.
His parents were both from Austria;I think it's more a European name. It's common-ish here, though, all physical sizes can be a Bruno. :-)
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I like it. Nice, international name.
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It's very usual where I live. I know two to think of right away.Young men, don't know any older than 25.
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I can't really imagine it on a human. It sounds like a dog's name to me. But I can't think of why... was there a cartoon dog named Bruno? My brain isn't working!
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It sounds like a dog name. In a matter of fact, it's the name of my cousin's dog.
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