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Re: Bizarre BA's
Some comments:
Leonidas Santiago - not so bad per se, but a mouthful.
Isreal Joseph - I suppose he's real since his BA is here...
Sully Wilhelm - A big, kind monster hiding in your wardrobe.
Rowdy Wesley - because Dennis the Menace wasn't unique enough.
Pocahontas Zafenya Matoaka - we are part Cherokee...we think...or some other cool tribe...
Jupiter Ellen - she's a big girl.
Passion Lee - is that even an adverb?
Italeah Jane - yeah, you see, she was made in Ittalie...Itally...Ittely....that country that looks like a boot. Y'know?
Dove Harper - doves coo. They don't play the harp.Does the sea exist
Because of our longing?
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