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WDYT of Leslie? (for a girl)
I've always liked the name Leslie for a girl. WDYT? (It's not commonly used as a man's name where I live, so I wouldn't be worried about that.)Also, can you give me some suggestions for sibling names? Thanks in advance.
Magistra mundi sum!

This message was edited 3/17/2006, 7:37 AM

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It's kind of pretty-it's grown on me recently. My cousin's wife is Leslie and she's so pretty and cool. :)
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It's my name, although reading the other posts most people seem to hate it! I've always liked my name, and I was always the only Leslie in my school classes. I think it's been a female name probably since the fifties. The only men I can think of are Leslie Howard and Leslie Nielsen.Sibs:Vanessa
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I once knew a girl named Lesley and I've come to prefer that spelling. Overall, I don't really like it that much.
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I prefer Lesley for a girl, as Lesley's the traditional fem. spelling of Leslie in Britain, or so I've heard.Lesley and Howard popped into my head immediately as a sib set. Hm, some others:
Lesley and Audrey
Lesley and Linda
Lesley and Barbara
Lesley and Michelle
Lesley and Sophia
Lesley and Vanessa
Lesley and Olive
Lesley and Olivia
Lesley and Victoria
Lesley and Joan
Lesley and Joanne
Lesley and JoannaLesley and David
Lesley and Daniel
Lesley and Robert
Lesley and Richard
Lesley and Thomas
Lesley and Victor
Lesley and Vincent
Lesley and Carl
Lesley and Adam
Lesley and James
Lesley and John
Lesley and Philip
Lesley and Peter
Lesley and Dennis
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Dated, plain, bossy know-it-all. I have a couple negative associations. I also this it has a hissy sound to it that I don't care for.
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I like it. It's not on my favorites list particularly but it still has a pleasing sound to me and is something that I could respect other people choosing for their child. I've only met one around my age, considering that I think it's more popular a couple of generations above mine. So from it's sound and it's lack of raging popularity, I'd say yeah, I like it. :-)As far as sibling names go, I'd say just about anything that's not really trendy right now would work. I'd also avoid something starting with an "L" on account of Leslie having two of them; the sound would be pretty repetative for me. I can see Elaine, Catherine, Thomas, or William being siblings. (Then again those are some of my favorites, so I can see them being siblings for almost *anything*. :-))
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NMS but my friend Melissa's mom is named Leslie. Leslie Ann"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
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Where I live, it's considered an older man's name (Leslie), or a middle-aged woman's name (Lesley / Leslie). Neither really 'works' for me, sorry. I also think that "lesbian" teasing is likely, though maybe I'm being over-cautious._____________________________________________________________________Elinor

This message was edited 3/17/2006, 8:08 AM

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Leslie is a unisex name - Leslie used to be the male version and Lesley was the girls rather like Francis for a boy and and Frances for a girl , (At least where I live ) but nowadays the spelling has blurred, and I see more females called Leslie that males so its perfectly acceptable


This message was edited 3/17/2006, 8:05 AM

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I know a girl named Leslie (or Lesley actually), her siblings are Kim (g) and Jody (b).
I think Leslie is ok for a girl, but not great.sibs suggestions:
Esmée (/ Esmee)
Alix / Alex
Zoé / Zoe / Zoey
Else / Elsa
Joleneboys: (I think most boys names will go fine with Leslie)
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet

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I dont know where it is commonaly used on boys nowadays. I really disliked the name until we got a new president at my college, whose name is Leslie. I always thought it was his wife, but wrongly assuming...Leslie is a man, and just happens to always have his wife with him when making appeareances. I really do like it on a boy.~~Kris~~
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