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The other morning I was in that weird semi-conscious state between being asleep and being awake, and I had a flash of a dream. The only thing I remember from it is a lady's nametag with the surname "Chesbiah (chezz-BIE-uh)" on it. I have no idea where it came from, but I thought I'd ask opinions on it. What do you think of it as a surname? Could you see it as a first name, and for which gender?It has a similar ending sound to other names I like (Josiah, Tobiah, etc.), but I dislike the initial sound. It makes me think of Chester, which I'm not keen on.
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Chesbiah  ·  Elec Fan  ·  9/29/2015, 10:21 AM
Re: Chesbiah  ·  NobodyOfConsequence  ·  9/29/2015, 7:29 PM
Re: Chesbiah  ·  kudriashkajo  ·  9/29/2015, 12:31 PM
Re: Cheziah  ·  noel  ·  9/29/2015, 12:36 PM
Re: Cheziah  ·  kudriashkajo  ·  9/29/2015, 12:41 PM
Re: Chesbiah  ·  number1212  ·  9/29/2015, 11:19 AM
Re: Chesbiah  ·  noel  ·  9/29/2015, 10:57 AM