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Re: Aleida
in reply to a message by whim
I completely warped the pronunciation just now, even though I'm sure I've looked it up before. I went for al-ie-EE-da. Not sure where that came from, honestly! I don't adore, or honestly even really like, Aleida, but if I met a bearer of the name I'd be kind of excited, because it is kind of a rare gem, even if I don't appreciate it myself. Funnily enough, it's a variant of my name. I think Aleida Gaëlle or Aleida Estelle would be cute. My instinct is to pair it with something unusual. But maybe Aleida Fay or Aleida Gwen?
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I love honesty when it comes to names, even if it means people tell me they don't like it. :)Aleida Estelle is nice. Aleida Fay and Aleida Gwen really appeal to me. Thanks!
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Hehe! I really can appreciate it, though, and actually can't figure out why I don't like it - it looks like I should like it and it sounds like it too. I don't get it.
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