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Re: Mirabelle
It's very princess-y. I like it in a fluffy way. I read a book about a character named Princess Mirror-Belle which kind of put me off it.
Combos I'm not great at, but I'd go for something more no-nonsense to round it off a bit:Mirabelle Jean
Mirabelle Dana
Mirabelle Vera
Mirabelle Sara
Mirabelle MaryOr maybe play princess to the max:Mirabelle Floretta
Mirabelle Louisa
Mirabelle Clarimonde
Mirabelle Aurora
Mirabelle AramintaOr just go for something simple and classy:Mirabelle Clara
Mirabelle Eloise
Mirabelle Freya
Mirabelle Kate
Mirabelle Lucia"You can have freedom, or you can have peace. But not both at once."
Mon PNL: 2angelgoats
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I remember those books!ffdfdfdfd
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