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Re: I really don't think the average person knows that.
Yes.I find the average American pretty darn ignorant of practically everything! What are those stats? 40% can't even name the Vice President? 32% don't know how many states there are? 50% voted for George Bush to be president for not one, but two terms? (haha) Yeah, the average American isn't too sharp.
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D'oh!You're right. That average American knows more about The Simpsons than goverment or American history (or world history, for that matter!). Oh, and btw, I did vote for GW, but, well, I'm regretting it. At least I'm learning from my mistakes, lol!"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." -Daniel Boone, American explorer
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LOL! Glad to hear it! ; )
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