Re: I really don't think the average person knows that.
in reply to a message by Elemmennope
I find the average American pretty darn ignorant of practically everything! What are those stats? 40% can't even name the Vice President? 32% don't know how many states there are? 50% voted for George Bush to be president for not one, but two terms? (haha) Yeah, the average American isn't too sharp.
I find the average American pretty darn ignorant of practically everything! What are those stats? 40% can't even name the Vice President? 32% don't know how many states there are? 50% voted for George Bush to be president for not one, but two terms? (haha) Yeah, the average American isn't too sharp.
You're right. That average American knows more about The Simpsons than goverment or American history (or world history, for that matter!). Oh, and btw, I did vote for GW, but, well, I'm regretting it. At least I'm learning from my mistakes, lol!
"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." -Daniel Boone, American explorer
You're right. That average American knows more about The Simpsons than goverment or American history (or world history, for that matter!). Oh, and btw, I did vote for GW, but, well, I'm regretting it. At least I'm learning from my mistakes, lol!
"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." -Daniel Boone, American explorer
LOL! Glad to hear it! ; )