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Re: Eye-catchers from an 1871 Publication, Last Batch (23 names)
in reply to a message by Tiggs
I love the name Tabitha and William. I also like Thirza which is one of my great grandmothers names.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Theres nothing wrong with me, This is who I'm suppose to be, In land of make believe, that don't believe in me." - Green Day
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ThirzaIs fairly new to me; the meaning is nice. Think you'd ever pass the name down? That's something I noticed, going through this publication, that these folks really seemed to enjoy passing down family names and the more "unusual" the better, it seemed.I have a gr grandmother named Lisle and I've only come across one other bearer (in old newspaper items). I've always liked the name and I would enjoy passing it down.
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