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Re: Eye-catchers from an 1871 Publication, Last Batch (23 names)
in reply to a message by Tiggs
Wow - I'd never thought of Wealthy as a name, still less as a unisex name, and least of all as combining so amazingly with Jane! Though, I admit, William Lycurgus takes some beating.I'm going to miss your ancestral names. Please, if you ever find any others, do go on sharing.
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As I just replied to Pie, I think the combo Wealthy Jane totally works and I wouldn't name anyone Wealthy. It just goes to show how wonderfully versatile Jane is...the little black dress of names.Thanks so much for your encouragement and I'm glad you enjoyed these names. I did, some years ago, come upon a similar publication for a "probable" ancestor on another line; I believe he was also an early settler in Massachusetts, so the names could be very similar. On that particular line, I'm not certain that the direct ancestors I know about directly connect to the immigrant ancestor & descendants featured in that publication, but other researchers think they do; I just haven't worked on that line myslef or seen any documentation. They're "probably mine". Wonder if I can find that again.
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