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Re: Short-listing middle names for our twins
Mai is good, but not with sister Maeve. Tamsin Rosemary or Tamsin Maryrose? Tamsin Rose isn't bad, but it is such a cliche. For Maeve, from your list I like Seren best. Or Maeve Emily instead of Emmeline.If it really was my choice, I'd go Tamsin Rosamond and Maeve Eloise.
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Rosemary is okay but it's not a name I really love. I love Mai though! Saying it "my" but with a longer sound like "mine" without the N not like a different spelling of May.Rosamond is an interesting idea. I like it better than Rosemary! Eloise is nice too and was on the list before it out ousted by Eloide xD
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