I love this name. I see a kind, sophisticated, stylish, smart woman. I just feel like its so classy and it makes me feel all warm inside!! Despite my crush on this name I dont see myself using it :( I dont know why though. I guess I feel like its great for someone else but I couldnt commit to it.
Could you guys give me your thoughts? Your combos? Also any first names that have Claire in it? Example: Clairissa, Clara Also what about the alternate spelling of Clayre, Clare?
Could you guys give me your thoughts? Your combos? Also any first names that have Claire in it? Example: Clairissa, Clara Also what about the alternate spelling of Clayre, Clare?
I like it. Growing up, Clair Huxtable was the epitomy of grace and intelligence, and made me believe I could have it all (kids, career, etc. Which I did accomplish, I am a lawyer as well, but only 2 kids to her 5. She made it look a lot easier than it So, it's sort of sentimental to me. I realize that sounds a bit weird, but dude, I love me some Cosby. But yeah, I totally agree with your assessment of the name. I wouldn't use it either, though.
I love the name Claire (but only spelled this way). I think it's very simply sophisticated. If you love it that much, you should use it =)
Claire is nice :) It does sound sophisticated. The only thing you can't do with it is use it as a middle name with the first name Anna!
Spelled as Clare is just a good, spelled a Clayre makes me want to say it "klay-uh" and not "kl-air."
Clarissa is prettier than Claire, but not as sophisticated.
Clara, for me, is like Buttercup and Clover; it is a cow's name.
I also like:
and Clarisse (very French, that one ^_^)
Spelled as Clare is just a good, spelled a Clayre makes me want to say it "klay-uh" and not "kl-air."
Clarissa is prettier than Claire, but not as sophisticated.
Clara, for me, is like Buttercup and Clover; it is a cow's name.
I also like:
and Clarisse (very French, that one ^_^)
Claire is a favorite of mine though I prefer Clara myself.
Other "clar" names:
Clarette / Claretta
Clarice / Clarisse
A few of my favorite combos (which are a lot cause Claire / Clara goes well with a lot of names!):
Clara Adela
Clara Artesia
Clara Azelie
Clara Belen
Clara Belphoebe
Clara Berengere
Clara Calanthe
Clara Camille
Clara Corisande
Clara Emblyn
Clara Endellion
Clara Eveny
Clara Genevieve
Clara Hemera
Clara Josiane
Clara Jubilee
Clara July
Clara Kerensa
Clara Kynareth
Clara Leandra
Clara Leonie
Clara Liron
Clara Lucinda
Clara Lysandra
Clara Melisande
Clara Noemie
Clara Saturnina
Clara Selene
Clara September
Clara Zephyrine
Other "clar" names:
Clarette / Claretta
Clarice / Clarisse
A few of my favorite combos (which are a lot cause Claire / Clara goes well with a lot of names!):
Clara Adela
Clara Artesia
Clara Azelie
Clara Belen
Clara Belphoebe
Clara Berengere
Clara Calanthe
Clara Camille
Clara Corisande
Clara Emblyn
Clara Endellion
Clara Eveny
Clara Genevieve
Clara Hemera
Clara Josiane
Clara Jubilee
Clara July
Clara Kerensa
Clara Kynareth
Clara Leandra
Clara Leonie
Clara Liron
Clara Lucinda
Clara Lysandra
Clara Melisande
Clara Noemie
Clara Saturnina
Clara Selene
Clara September
Clara Zephyrine