What would you think if someone introduced herself as Pixie?
"What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." -Charles Bukowski
"What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." -Charles Bukowski
This message was edited 3/16/2014, 12:07 PM
There's a UK-based TV series called Embarrassing Bodies in which a medical team go from town to town inviting anyone with an awkward and untreated condition to have a consultation on camera. And their success rate is pretty good, which must be pleasing for all the folks with anomalous testicles etc; also educational for people who find any view of a human body the cause for horrified giggles or just horror. So, OK.
The doctors are known by Dr + fn. Dr Christian is a bloke, then there are various females including one Dr Pixie. She's sort of middle-aged, not as attractive as she probably was 15 years ago but certainly not bad, and very good at her work: friendly, shockproof, professional ...
But if I met one, I'd still do a double-take.
The doctors are known by Dr + fn. Dr Christian is a bloke, then there are various females including one Dr Pixie. She's sort of middle-aged, not as attractive as she probably was 15 years ago but certainly not bad, and very good at her work: friendly, shockproof, professional ...
But if I met one, I'd still do a double-take.
I guess I'd feel a little bit bad for her, but then I'd think her parents were probably Californians, so, whatever. I don't think it sounds very cool, it just sounds flakey. But I'm not totally against flakey names. It's just that the sound of it isn't very cute IMO - I think of creepy leprechauns, not pretty fairies.
I guess I'd feel a little bit bad for her, but then I'd think her parents were probably Californians, so, whatever. I don't think it sounds very cool, it just sounds flakey. But I'm not totally against flakey names. It's just that the sound of it isn't very cute IMO - I think of creepy leprechauns, not pretty fairies.
Shes a fairy or a flake
I might think it is a little weird, but Pixie is a GP of mine.
I would think "Either your parents are dingbats or you are."
I'd giggle internally, the more so if she were not pixie-like, and then later I'd say to my family, "I met someone named Pixie today. I wonder if it's her real name or something she gave herself. How ridiculous."
Actually, I just hope I could keep the giggling internal. I'm afraid I might not be able to stop a little outward giggle.
If I got to know her well, at some point I'd ask her about it, in a neutral way. "Is that your real name or a nickname?"
I finally had to ask the Jande I work with about her name. I asked if it was something that her parents had invented. She said that yes, her mother had invented it, by combining her own name, Jamie, with her favorite name, Amanda. Then Jande rolled her eyes and said, speaking in an imaginary way to her mother, "Yeah, you were on drugs, weren't you?"
Actually, I just hope I could keep the giggling internal. I'm afraid I might not be able to stop a little outward giggle.
If I got to know her well, at some point I'd ask her about it, in a neutral way. "Is that your real name or a nickname?"
I finally had to ask the Jande I work with about her name. I asked if it was something that her parents had invented. She said that yes, her mother had invented it, by combining her own name, Jamie, with her favorite name, Amanda. Then Jande rolled her eyes and said, speaking in an imaginary way to her mother, "Yeah, you were on drugs, weren't you?"
It depends on the vibe I got from her. If she was trying too hard to be cute I'd be thinking, ick. But if she was a normal everyday person who seemed confident I'd be like okay, that's interesting. But if she was meek and shy I'd think, oh you poor thing.
I have experienced this!
My internal reaction was basically "ew." It's an ugly sound (some of the regulars here might remember I hate the letter P in general) and a goofy meaning. I later learned that the woman who went by Pixie chose it for herself, which made me a bit more hopeful for the sanity of her parents.
My internal reaction was basically "ew." It's an ugly sound (some of the regulars here might remember I hate the letter P in general) and a goofy meaning. I later learned that the woman who went by Pixie chose it for herself, which made me a bit more hopeful for the sanity of her parents.
I might be one of the few people in the world who'd think it an old and kind of quaint name. Because of Pixie O'Shaughnessy, the heroine in a series of books written around 1900. But they aren't famous or anything... I've only read them because my family owns a second-hand bookshop ;)
I'd assume it was a nickname or self appointed pseudonym. I'd probably repeat "Pixie?" in a way that indicated I was dubious it was their real name, and would expect them to respond either "Well my real name is ______ but everyone calls me Pixie" or "Yeah, my parents were hippies."
I think it's an ok nickname on a child but doesn't seem serious enough for an adult. I like it better for a pet
I think it's an ok nickname on a child but doesn't seem serious enough for an adult. I like it better for a pet
I would assume it is a nickname and wonder about how she got it.
This message was edited 3/16/2014, 12:32 PM
I might suspect it's a name they had chosen themselves because it is too cool. I might even ask if they had changed their name to that, which is terribly rude I'm sure. But when a name is so flawlessly "cool", like self-aware cool, I always assume it's something that was chosen for oneself.
Like when I first met my friend Skye I was positive she had chosen her own name as an adult because the combination of her first and last names was just too cool to be parentally bestowed. But in her case it really was her birth name and I was honestly surprised.
Pixie is cute. It gives me a sort of counter-culture mid century feel, like Pepper and Dusty and Jinx do.
Like when I first met my friend Skye I was positive she had chosen her own name as an adult because the combination of her first and last names was just too cool to be parentally bestowed. But in her case it really was her birth name and I was honestly surprised.
Pixie is cute. It gives me a sort of counter-culture mid century feel, like Pepper and Dusty and Jinx do.