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What are your thoughts and impressions of this name? I've always loved it, but I'm worried it may be a little insubstantial/dorky/lispy for real life. Also what would you pair it with?
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I'm undecided on Seth. Here are some combos...Seth Alexander
Seth Lachlan
Seth Lysander
Seth Bartholomew
Seth Emmanuel
Seth Jeremiah
Seth Oberon
Seth Malachi
Seth Tobias
Seth Mackenzie
Seth Leander
Seth Taliesin
Seth Atticus
Seth PeregrineBecause Seth is so short and simple, it really deserves a much longer, elaborate middle name, to me anyway.

This message was edited 12/26/2013, 11:53 AM

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My next door neighbor is named Seth, then the boy across the street is named Seth too. My name is Beth. I dont like Seth or Beth unfortunately. Its hard to hear sometimes because it is such a soft sounding name
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The name Seth is great! Seth Michael is a friend of mine and I think that sounds nice together.m
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I like it, I find it none of the things you say.
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I know a Seth and it is very strong and masculine on him. I used to think it was a bit lispy, but I like it now.
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Seth was on my short list when I was naming my son. It didn't feel right for him, but I'd consider it if I were pregnant again. I've always liked it a lot, and I don't find anything dorky or insubstantial about it. As far as "lispy"...yeah, maybe. Particularly for small children. They'll grow out of it, though, so it's no reason to reject the name, imo. I don't have any Seth combos. Weird. I need to work on that.
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I really like the name Seth. It's has that simple but different at the same time appeal.Seth John
Seth Patrick
Seth Ivan
Seth Brian
Seth Jesse
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I really like it.Seth Robert
Seth Jordan
Seth Cameron
Seth Michael
Seth William
Seth Liam
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I like Seth, but it sounds too quiet for me. A good middle name, but not so much a first.Seth Jonathan ReeseSeth WinstonSeth VincentSeth Matthias
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I used to absolutely love it when I was younger, then I cooled on it for a while after meeting a lackluster Seth, but now I'm warming up to it again. I think of the Egyptian God Set/Seth mostly. I see dark hair and light colored eyes. More suave-morally-gray-charmer type than dorky.
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I really like the name Seth, but unfortunately it's ruined for me by association. I think it's a good simple and strong name for a boy, and I personally like that it's a Bible name. However I know a completely out of control 5 year old with the name and so I think that's ruined it for me. Overall a great name though :-)
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To me, Seth is one of the ugliest sounds passing for a name that's out there. It's just hideous. Like somebody taking a mouthful of food, finding out it tastes like it's spoiled and it's scalding hot on top of it, and spitting it out in their hand. "Ehhh, SETH! Ptooey!"
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I love the name Seth and have for years. It would actually be a fave of mine. There are plenty of names that sound nice with Seth imo, it just depends what you are after.
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I really like it (it's a family name for me) and I've been surprised to see it doesn't get much love here. I don't feel it's insubstantial at all. Anyone can be dorky, but the name itself does not give off that impression to me and I've never felt it lispy. For me, Seth is handsome and grounded and warm. I only know one in real life; he's a good looking guy; professional and ambitious in his work; down-to-earth and fun-loving with family and friends, a "guy's guy", and he's a really devoted "softy" of a father to his girls. I worked with his girls and, when they moved away, he wrote me the loveliest thank you message (as an addition to the one his wife had already written me); surprised me how heart-felt and eloquent it was. I already liked the name before I knew him and this personal association certainly didn't hurt.An additional association is the character played by Nicolas Cage in "City of Angels"; that one doesn't hurt either. :)As far as combos go, I enjoy Seth Beauregard, but Beauregard doesn't get much love either. So...Seth Abram
Seth Anders
Seth Arlo
Seth Campbell
Seth Conrad
Seth Cormac
Seth Eli
Seth Frederick
Seth Gideon
Seth Gregory
Seth Leander
Seth Lionel
Seth Malcolm
Seth Redmond
Seth Roland
Seth Tobin
Seth Vernon
Seth William

This message was edited 12/22/2013, 3:32 PM

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I really like Seth Conrad, Seth Cormac and Seth Leander, thanks!
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