Re: Jean (f)
I tend to best enjoy the sound of Jean as a middle name (the long "o" of Joan helps me enjoy that one more as a first name) but I do like the feel of Jean and I noticed, in your poll, that it's more versatile than I gave it credit for. Of the combinations you listed, these are my favorites...Jean Alice - seeing crisp white linens hanging on a sunny clothesline
Jean Amabel (honors my mother, Amy) - jaunty and sweet
Jean Bernadette - these feel so fitting together
Jean Caroline - Caroline brings out sunny sweetness
Jean Clarice - doubt it's what you intended, but I'm wanting to rhyme mn with "Paris" here and I like it
Jean Eleanor - for me, Eleanor lends more sophistication and seriousness to Jean
Jean Eliza - this feels both spunky and bookish to me
Jean Florence - lovely; surprising myself here as I don't usually care for "red" and "green" together unless it's a seasonal birth type name
Jean Frances - quite sensible
Jean Gloria - "red" and "gold"
Jean Harriet - sensible with a dash of spunk
Jean Helena - stressing first syllable of mn with this one
Jean Penelope - fun-loving and sweet
Jean Philippa - not usually a big fan of Philippa but this is charming
Jean Violet - also charming and sweet
Jean Winifred - possibly my fave here, though several are vying for itJust because they came to mind...Jean Hermione
Jean Elspeth
Jean Antonia/Antonette - "n"(s) too close?
Jean Corisande - Cordelia brought this to mind
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Jean (f)  ·  Wordsmith  ·  12/9/2013, 8:12 AM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  kudriashkajo  ·  12/9/2013, 12:46 PM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  Tiggs  ·  12/9/2013, 10:18 AM
One more...  ·  Tiggs  ·  12/9/2013, 10:24 AM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  Mar  ·  12/9/2013, 10:09 AM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  Anneza  ·  12/9/2013, 9:55 AM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  Jehanne  ·  12/9/2013, 9:25 AM
Re: Jean (f)  ·  Violet  ·  12/9/2013, 8:17 AM