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Re: Katie Price BA
in reply to a message by Elena
I think I know who she is. She's a "glamour model" who goes by the name Jordan? She's got ginormous fake boobs and that's about all she's got.
Jett is typical celeb-trendy, I think. Harvey seems to be in fashion in the UK but over here it's definitely an old-man name. Junior and Princess are the kind of "names" ignorant, low-class people might give their kids because they're too lazy to come up with anything else. Junior especially; did she not even name him Father's Name Junior? Junior's the kind of thing some people might call a boy they don't know, as in "Listen, Junior, I catch you stealing apples off my tree again and I'll turn the hose on you."
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too! She's the model who calls herself Jordan, right? Harvey apparently is blind and autistic and people have blamed it on Jordan drinking and smoking during pregnancy. And she used to put make up and fake eye lashes on Princess when the girl was just 2 or 3.
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